
Tuesday 1 February 2011

Birthday Trip into London

Princess's Birthday was last weekend however we were not able to have her celebration until this weekend. Since moving to England we have stopped having Birthday parties and instead we do something special with the children. Every year they get to pick something that they might be interested in. This year Princess chose to attend an Horse riding event, called Apassionata, at the O2 arena in London. The pictures I have aren't the best as we were pretty high up and my little camera had a hard time focusing on all the moving horses.

We saw many tricks, horses jumping over fire, three men riding horses, and so many more. There was also singing and dancing. We were told that last year this was voted best show for 2010.

The children's faces during the show and the reason we went.

For the third year in a row, Princess chose to have her Birthday dinner at the Rain Forest Cafe in London. She says this is her favorite restaurant in the world:) Not so much for Mommy and Daddy.

Having Happy Birthday being sung to her. All in all a very good day and we headed home exhausted:)


  1. Happy birthday! How fun to go to a horse show! (And I agree with you about Rainforest Cafe. LOL)

    Jessy (HHH)

  2. What a wonderful way to spend a birthday!
    Came by from the HHH to say hi.

  3. WOW Love these pics...stopping over from HHH today! Peace to your heart!

  4. Looks like Princess had a great birthday celebration! Love the expressions on their faces...priceless! Clicked a vote for you today!

  5. Good Wed. morning to you Anna-Marie! Have a great day! Stopping by to say hi and vote :)

  6. Thanks everyone it was a great day out:)

  7. What a wonderful birthday! You are so patient to take your princess to the restaurant of her choice even though it may not be yours. I am not sure I could do that. lol

    Have a blessed day, Anna-Marie.
