
Monday 11 October 2010

Wilmington, North Carolina

Our next stop in our travels was to visit a family friend in Wilmington, North Carolina. We had a fabulous visit and Christine was a terrific hostess showing us all the great spots in Wilmington.

We visited the battle ship USS North Carolina

Visited the Sepentarium which boosts of the largest collection of venomous snakes. It was the only place where I didn't get a picture:(

Visited the the Aquarium where we saw the handlers feeding and cleaning a albino alligator with a tooth brush!

Visited Carolina Beach and the kids got soaking wet!

We had a lovely visit in Wilmington. I would love to visit again and rent a beach house!


  1. Please come back for a visit! We'd love to see you again when everyone is well :)

    Great pictures too!

    I clicked a vote for you today!


  2. Hey! I am only about 2 or so hours away from Wilmington! It is a nice place to visit! I have pictures of my kids with that frog and gator! They enjoyed seeing your kids with them.
    Hope you have a safe and enjoyable trip!

  3. Looks like everyone had a great time! I have to admit, I did a double take when I saw the alligator photo! :)

  4. Hi Anna-Marie!

    I hope you are having a good weekend with your family! I clicked a vote for you today :)

  5. Anna-Marie, I clicked a vote for you today and yesterday. Sorry I forgot to leave you a message. I hope you are having a good time traveling. Can't wait to see more pictures.

  6. Thank you Anna-Marie for visiting my blog. I am always glad to get on a soap box and warn others. I don't think "tagging" is all bad, but we do need to be careful. We get so excited and then our guard goes down. By the way we need to get you a blog button, what do you think?

  7. I voted for you on the Picket Fence. lol I am terrible at this comment stuff. I should just get Tracy to do it for me. Do you think she would charge me an arm and a leg. ;)

  8. Thanks everyone for stopping by and visiting. I apologize for being so behind in responding we are on holiday and getting any free time is very difficult Things should settle down in a month when we return home

    Lynda- I absolutely need a button will work on it after my holiday, Tracy sent directions but I hadn't any chance to do it before going on holiday--I heard you were good at that sort of thing:)
