
Tuesday 12 October 2010

Williamsburg, Virginia

Continuing our travels we next stop in Williamsburg where we met up with my parents whom I haven't seen in nearly 11 months. The children were so excited to see their Nana and Poppa again!! My parents brought up their camper and the children stayed with them while my husband and I enjoyed the quiet of the hotel room:) and a date night!!

Day one we went to Colonial Williamsburg
Princess wanted to dress up for the day as a Colonial girl. Little Man would have none of it. Because our daughter decided to dress up for the day she was able to do more hands on activities with the re-enactors at Colonial Williamsburg. She said she enjoyed working int he garden best:)

Practicing writing names using a quill feather. The highlight of the trip for us for the re-enactment of the reading of the Declaration of Independence on the green. We also saw many crafts men working on their trade, It was a fantastic day and we will definitely be going back.

I spent a small fortune in the book store, but found so many fantastic resources that can be use in our schooling.

Day two we went to Jamestown
Kids told their grandparents all about Pocahontas and Capt. John Smith. If you look closely however at the statue there is something wrong can you figure it out?

Glass blowing -- there were 2 attempts to make glass during this time period both were failures. Very interesting to watch!

Day three we went York town

We learned a lot about positioning of cannons and the different types of cannons.

The house were the treaty was signed. Unfortunately it was closed that day so we couldn't go inside:(

After touring each historic site we would go back to the camp ground and while the children played and the grown ups read, nap, and enjoyed communing with nature.:)

Answer to What's wrong with Pocahontas: They have her wearing a plains Indian dress which is incorrect. She was a wood land Indian and their dress was completely different.


  1. HI Anna-Marie!
    Wow! All of you seem to be learning so much in your "classroom". It looks like so much fun!
    Glad you got to spend some time with your hubby...alone :)
    Thanks for letting us know the answer to the statue question since I couldn't figure it out from the photo :)
    Clicked a vote for you today!
    Have a great day!

  2. Cool! We visited that area years ago, and my kids don't remember it. I hope to take them back there now that they're older. Looks like you had a great time!

  3. Hi Anna-Marie!

    Good morning! Just stopping in again to say "Hi" and to let you know I clicked a vote for you today!
    We are celebrating our son's 9th birthday today and a Star Wars themed birthday party this weekend with about 15 boys! Oh my! The weather should be nice so they will all be outside in our yard and woods for some "Jedi Training".

    Have another fun and blessed day!

  4. Hi Sparlee,
    If you get a chance you should take the kids we had so much fun learning and I spent a fortune of some very good resources for us to use over the next couple of years.

  5. Hi Tracy,
    WOW 15 nine year old boys....Good luck with that:) hope you have some adult help!!!

  6. Looks like a fantastic adventure. I am adding it to our list of "things to do on the East Coast." We just moved from the West Coast and want to pack as much into the next two years as we can as we will move back West after I finish grad school in New York. I found you on the Hip Homeschool Hop, by the way! Nice to "meet" you!

  7. That sounds like an amazing trip ~ we're west coaster's. I would love to be closer in order to do all of the historical trips.

  8. Thanks Malea and Tezera for stopping by and commenting. As a family we love to travel and see history:)

  9. We traveled to Virginia Beach with my husband's job a few years ago. We spent quite a bit of time there exploring the Historic Triangle. My kids absolutely loved Colonial Williamsburg- they just couldn't get enough! Jamestown was another favorite- the glass blowers were amazing! Yorktown...well not our favorite though it was no fault of the National Park. That's a long story.

    Thanks for stopping by and following my blog. I'm now your new follower. Seems that we have a bit in common. Blessings! :)
