
Tuesday 5 October 2010

Meeting a Blog Friend

As we are traveling up the east coast of the US. I had an exciting adventure, meeting a fellow blogger, Tracy had her lovely children from A Slice of Smith Life. Tracy and I have been blogging and commenting on each others sites since this summer and when I knew we would be in the area we arranged to meet up. Tracy is as lovely in person as she is in the blogging world. The children played well together and it was so nice to chat and compare notes on homeschooling and blogging. My husband was with us so we were able to get a few pictures.

I brought a few things for Tracy's children from England
Tea in a big red bus bank
Scottish Tablet which is a sweet candy very popular
Beef Eater towel (they are the guards at the Tower of London)
London pencils
post cards with all the popular London sites
A pencil sharpener again the shape of the famous double decker red bus
A mini book of the kings and queens of England

Tracy also had gifts for us:
Her children made a fairy doll and a paper canoe boat
Glass jar of the sand, shells, sea bird feather of the beach where they live (I thought this was a fab idea and my daughter is already eyeing the shells and wanting to open the the jar.)
A soy pumpkin scented candle -- which I can't wait to light up:)
As we are traveling I haven't been able to take a picture of the things Tracy gave us:(.

When I started out on my blogging journey I never imagined I would meet someone from my blog and it was so exciting and fun!

Tracy also gave me my second blog award a couple of weeks ago and I haven't had a lot of time to address it but I want to acknowledge the wonderful support Tracy had shown my blog:)

The rules of the blog are to tell seven things about yourself and then pass on the award to other bloggers. I will have to get back to passing on the award due to our holiday but here are the seven things about me:

1. I love to travel -- is this really new to any one who follows this blog

2. I can make stain glass windows, lamps and other items

3. I make baskets and used to teach a class

4. I love to read--right now I am reading a lot of historical novels, but will read anything

5. I would love to become a competent photographer someday

6. I am very technology challenged, my computer hates me:(

7. I never thought I would homeschool, but I do and I love it (most of the time)

It was so nice to met Tracy and her children. As my husband and I have friends in her home town we may met again in a few years, you never know:)!!


  1. HI Anna-Marie!
    Great post for a great time :) Again it was lovely to meet you and your family :) Those 6 kids on the swing are so cute :) We just got back home from camping, it was an interesting and fun hubby and littlest one ended up getting sick :( Hope to blog about it soon!
    I clicked a vote for you tonight!

  2. Hi Tracy,
    it was fun to met and I hope we can do it again one day:)

  3. Congratulations on the Award, Anna-Marie! I am so glad you and Tracy were able to meet up. I clicked a vote for you. I have been, but I forget to leave a comment. Comments are so nice to get, and I wish I was better at it. Have a blessed day.

  4. Hi Linda
    Tracy told me you now have 3 blogs WOW I am impressed I have trouble keeping up with one!
    I am behind in reading blogs but will be stopping by very soon:)

  5. Good Morning Anna-Marie!
    I hope you arrived safely at your parent's home.

    Dropping in to say "Hi" and clicked another vote for you today (Monday). Have another great week!

  6. Oh how fun! I tagged you in my blog post

  7. Hi Anna-Marie!
    Have a nice day today! Another vote for you from me on the Picket Fence today :)

    Have a great day!
