
Sunday 3 October 2010

Orlando, Florida 2010

It has been a week since my last post because we are on holiday in Orlando, Florida. After a full day at the parks we return utterly exhausted and collapse in our beds so blogging has been placed on the back burner while in Orlando . My family have been planning and saving for this trip for 2 years and have accomplished what we set out to do. Having an amazing adventure! So here are some highlights of our trip so far!

Sunday: We explored Disney's Animal Kingdom

Playing African drums in the African safari village.

Fruit bats from Mexico. Princess was so enthralled with watching these bats. We had to drag her away. I have never seen bats so big!

Monday: We headed for Magic Kingdom and enjoyed the rides and the shows

I actually teared up watching the opening show because we have been planning this trip for so long and I have dreamed of taking my children here. How sappy is that?

Tuesday: We went to Epcot

The start of the day was very hot and humid

By mid afternoon there was a thunder and lightening storm . But we didn't let that stop us from continuing on.

Wednesday: We took the day off and went shopping! We needed a break and new shoes as everyone was developing blisters from all the walking we were doing.

We had dinner here and the kids loved it. I had never heard of it before. Owned, I believe by the same folks who do Rain Forest Cafe.

Dancing at Disney Marketplace. I wish I could bottle up my children's energy because by this point I was exhausted:)

Thursday: We visited Sea World

Feeding the sting rays by hand. Daddy had to go first but the kids did try it.

hand feeding the dolphins

Watching all the shows at Sea world

Friday: Discovery Cove
Feeding the birds in the aviary

Swimming and learning about dolphins --for me this was the highlight of the trip!!

Swimming with Sting rays Little Man was not to sure about this experience he wanted them to stay away from him:).

Saturday: Drove to Cape Canaveral to visit the Kennedy Space Center

I would love to say a lot of learning was done on this day however I think everyone was tired and worn out from all the activities planned. We left early and headed back to the hotel. I did buy a few books and DVD to take home as we are going to be studying the solar system in Jan. My husband complained that I must be the only person on holiday still searching for school books for the kids.

I kept my promise to the kids and husband, no school work was done on this portion of the trip:). As we school year round taking a week off shouldn't be problem. What a great start to our US holiday. Next, we are off to visit friends in North Carolina and then on to Williamsburg, VA.


  1. What a wonderful trip! I disagree with your husband, I'm always looking for school books and things for the kids too, and mine are only in preschool :)

  2. Great pictures!

    It's pretty hard to "turn off" the homeschool mom radar for finding good resources, even on vacation.


  3. Thanks you for stopping by and commenting We are having the best trip and took a week off school. Now we are driving up the east coast heading to my parents house eventually:)

  4. We just went to the Disney Resort in California and I barely did anything with my blog. It is exhausting! I miss being there though, which has never happened to me. I enjoy vacations well enough, but I never feel "vacation sick" (as opposed to "home sick") like I have after this vacation. I already want to go back!

  5. Hi Anna-Marie!
    What a great trip so far! The pictures are great and it looks like everyone is having fun! I love the dolphin pictures!
    Thanks for sharing!
    ps: voted for you again today :)

  6. HI Maureen,
    I haven't been to CA resort but would love to go as I have a friend who lives near there. Maybe one day. I just loved Disney even my husband now wants to go back because the experience was so awesome!

  7. HI Tracy,
    looking forward to meeting you today:)

  8. Hi Anna-Marie!
    THANK YOU SO MUCH again for your visit in "real" life yesterday! It was wonderful to meet you!
    I just posted about your visit on my blog for today (Thursday). It looks like we are off to the mountains, but no one is awake yet so I hope they are all well when they wake up! :)
    May you continue to have a fabulous vacation!

  9. PS: I voted for you today also :)

  10. It was great meeting you and your children. I hope we can do it again one day. I will be posting about it very soon. Met up with my parent today whom I haven't seen in a year.
