
Tuesday 19 October 2010

My Parents house at last!!!

We have finally arrived--at my parents house. We began our journey in Florida slowly working our way up the East Coast stopping to visit and tour many interesting places with the ultimate goal of staying with my parents in Pennsylvania. We are all very excited because we haven't seen them for 11 months!!! My parents joined us in Williamsburg and did the last leg of the journey to their house with us. When the kids saw the Pennsylvania state line in the car they were so excited, and it made all of us smile. The minute they opened the door to the house Princess and Little Man ran inside and checked out every inch of the house to make sure everything was the same and in it place as they remembered it.

Since being at Nana and Poppa's house we have been having so much fun. Playing soccer with Chloe the dog and going on nature hikes

After staying a couple of days with my parents my poor husband had to go back to England as he had to return to work. The kids and I will be staying with my parents for a few more weeks:).

My posts have been a bit irregular of late due to our traveling. Normally I post a couple times a week but while way it will be only weekly. Thanks for stopping by and commenting and I will be trying to keep up with all blog following and commenting as best I can:) Enjoy your Autumn season as much as we are!!!


  1. Good morning Anna-Marie!
    I'm glad you are having a wonderful visit with your parents and your travels continue to be fun-filled and exciting!
    I clicked a vote for you today! I hope you have a great day!

  2. Spending time with your family is more important. You will have lots of pictures and stories to blog about later. Have fun while you can. I clicked a vote for you. Have a great time with your parents.
