
Tuesday 31 August 2010

Care package from Grandparents

The kids are excited, we received a care package from my parents. I could barely get thru the door before the kids ripped the package open to see what was inside. First thing taken out was the candy. It was eaten before I had time to get myself organize. But I did find the wrappers for the pictures:)

Next they read the highlights magazine and worked on some of the puzzles inside. When Daddy called (my husband is out of town) both kids read the funny stories they had created using stickers in the magazine. They love getting magazines!

My parents also sent some Bandz which my kids and I had never seen or heard of. My Mom also included an newspaper article about the guy who invented them. They are in fashion now. I wish I could think of something so silly and simple and make millions. Now that we are homeschooling I no longer have any idea what the latest trend is and I plan to keep it that way. The kids had fun sorting and figuring out what letters and animals shapes they could find. They also quickly discovered the real purpose of them (and I didn't even tell them) wearing them:)

Next the kids wanted to figure out the magic tricks my parents sent. The kids had a blast figuring out the tricks and it kept them entertained while I cooked dinner.

First up my daughter doing the magic string trick. taking 3 ropes of different lengths and make them into 3 ropes of the same length. Little tricky but after several tries we got it. I don't think David Copperfield has to worry about us taking over the magic world:)

Next up my son learned how to cut a rope. Much easier to learn. My daughter figured out how it was done pretty quickly. We will have to keep practicing and when Daddy returns home have a magic show.

Thanks Nana and Poppa for the great package. The kids really enjoyed seeing what was inside. Love and miss you!!!


  1. So nice to get packages from loved ones! That is great!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Melissa
    Yes the kids get a care package nearly every month and love it. I keep telling my parents that the candy isn't needed but they send it away. At least they now send the kind I don't like:)

  3. How wonderful! I still love HighLights magazine!!!

    Thank you so much for joining the Hip Homeschool Hop today.

    The Homeschool Chick

  4. Thanks for stopping by Sue and following:) Still trying to figure out how to add those buttons:)

  5. Hi Anna- Marie!
    Thanks for stopping by my Wordless Wed. Waterspout post today and commenting! I voted for you too!
    What a great care package and so exciting for your children!
    Yes, Silly Bandz are big here in the states and like you, I can't figure out why I can't invent something so silly, yet make so much money :)

    Hope your travels to Germany went well!
    Have a good day!

  6. Thanks for Voting Tracy. I really need to put on my thinking cap and invent something should be no problem with all the free time I have...NOT:)

  7. Hi Anna-Marie! It's Thursday morning, almost 7 AM and I wanted to say "hi" and to let you know I clicked another vote for you today! Also, check out the video on my blog post for today! It might put a smile on your face and give you encouragement with homeschooling! We will survive! :)
    Have a blessed day!

  8. Thanks for the vote Tracy. My husband and I loved the video on your blog:)

  9. That's neat that they send such carefully thought out packages. Each item was hand picked, as opposed to just ordering the latest item from Amazon or something.

  10. Hi Maureen, yes these packages are great and we never know what is inside which is the best part. Kids always love getting them. Thanks for stopping by.

  11. Hi Anna-Marie,
    Just stopping in to say "hi" again! I'm glad you and your husband enjoyed the video! Have a good weekend! It's Saturday afternoon here and I just clicked another vote for you! :)


  12. Aww, fun! Grandparents are the best. I remember how much fun it was to get mails as a kid. And a box was SO MUCH BETTER than a letter!

  13. Thanks Cheryl and Tracy for stopping by. We just got back from Germany so will be posting about our trip soon.
