
Tuesday 7 September 2010

Trip to Rothenburg, Germany

We just returned from our mini holiday to Germany. I wanted to share some of the wonderful adventures we had. First, we took a trip to Rothenburg, Germany which is a medieval walled city that survived virtually unscathed during WWII. It is absolutely beautiful there.

One of the city gates. No cars allowed except for people who live within the walls.

One of the cobble stone side streets. The houses were so colorful and almost all had amazing window boxes full flowers.

View the main city square from the city hall tower.

2 additional city gates at a different side of the town.

Kathe Wohlfahrt Christmas store. They are all over in Germany. We also visited a Christmas tree/ornament museum. I tried to go thru the store without buying anything but in the end bought a Christmas tree angel that is just gorgeous. It was hard to not buy anything else. The Germans really know how to do Christmas decorations:). If you are a Nutcracker fan then this is a store for you!

We also stopped and visited the Criminal museum and saw some of the most interesting torture devices used in the middle ages. My son was very interested in the witches chair. My daughter thought the masks of shame were interesting.

Walking along the city walls and some views from the city walls

We had a great day exploring the city and wore ourselves out:)
We decided to stay for the evening Watchman tour and I will blog about that tomorrow as well as show more photos of this beautiful town.


  1. So beautiful and awesome photos Anne-Marie!
    Glad you had such a nice time in Germany! Our family loves the Nutcracker so we would really enjoy that Christmas store :)

    Visiting you from Hip Homeschool Mom hop to say hi and I clicked another vote for you on the Fence!
    Have a blessed day!

  2. WOW! What a great vacation! Love the photos. Following back from the hop :)

  3. What a great place to visit and explore! Beautiful pictures!

    Stopping by to say "Hi" from the Hip Homeschool Hop! Have a great day!

  4. Thanks Tracy, Robin and Amy it was a lovely mini holiday and I will be posting more pics soon. Thanks for stopping by:)

  5. WOW, what great pictures and such a nice mini vacation! Glad you had fun and thanks so much for sharing with us!

  6. Beautiful photos! I teach my kids German (except for the rebel who insists on Japanese this year) and your photos really make me want to travel there more than ever.

    Here from the Hip Homeschool Hop,
    Susanne :)

  7. Thanks Melissa and Susanne for stopping by. I will be posting about Germany all week. We were there for 4 days and experienced so much. My son who is 6,loved learning new German words, he retained them better than I did.

  8. Hi Anne-Marie!

    Looking forward to more Germany posts! What a great opportunity for your kids and family to travel there! Thanks for your visit today! It's always nice to see familiar faces in blog world!
    Have a good day! Thanks for the vote and I voted for you today too!

  9. Hi Tracy,
    I know I promised another post on germany but I got so busy doing laundry,shopping and school the day slipped away from me. Will try to get a post done today.

  10. I am half German and have always wanted to go there. Thank you for sharing your pictures.

  11. Lynda,
    if you ever get a chance to go to Germany it is fantastic. I have been 3X and everytime have had a very enjoyable holiday.

  12. Rothenburg in Germany and Bruge and Ghent in Belgium; best medieval cities in Europe. Ironic that they were so well preserved because they weren't worth enough to tear down. As the Night Watchman told us, "We were preserved by poverty. We just had to wait for someone to invent tourism. And it took forever!"
