
Sunday 29 August 2010

Baking with the kids

This week the kids wanted to do some baking, however each had their very own idea of what they wanted to make. So today I will post their favorite recipes. First up--Princess she wanted to make Fruit pizza.
Sugar cookie mix (make according to directions for drop cookies)
variety of fruit
Vanilla yogurt

First prepare cookie dough. Split dough in half and spread out into 2 pie plates and cook until golden brown.

Let cookie cool and spread a layer of vanilla yogurt over cookie and cover with fruit. Should be served immediately. Freeze extra cookie until ready to use or....

Try this variation...not so healthy but good. Melt chocolate and spread or drizzle it on the cookie. Kids love to make crazy designs on the cookie. Wait until chocolate hardens and serve. I had some left over chocolate drops from girl scouts that I used as I want to get rid of them. This freezes fairly well once cut into squares.

Next up Little Man wanted to make his all time favorite-- Banana bread. He is the only one in the house who likes it. I am more of a pumpkin bread gal. This is the recipe I use because it is simple!
3 ripe bananas
1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp baking soda
pinch of salt
1 and 1/2 cup flour
Mix all together and bake at 350 degrees for 45 min or until golden brown

I just love this face!

Yummy! Yes, I know he is wearing a halloween shirt but he dressed himself this morning:)


  1. Oh yum, yum, and more yum :p
    These dishes turned out great and it looks like they had fun too :)
    Thanks for sharing the recipes. We'll have to try them sometime!
    PS: this post was so yummy, I clicked a vote for you on the Picket Fence :)

  2. Nice! I love the fact that each kid wanted to do something different and you let them!

    I found you on the hip homeschool hop today! I love your blog and am now a follower...

    Come on over and check us out!

  3. Hi Anna-Marie! I'm just below you on the Hip Homeschool Hop link up :) I wanted to stop in to say Hi! Have a great day! And one more vote on the Picket Fence for you from me :)
    Your hubby comes home soon doesn't he?
    God bless,

  4. Everything looks amazingly yummy!
    Stopping by from Hip Homeschool Hop!
    Have a wonderful day!

  5. Thanks for stopping by Melis, glad you are following I am following back.

    @ Tracy we are off to visit my husband in Germany this weekend. Will post when we get back. He still has a week to go after that but at least this will break it up a bit. So kind of you to ask:)

    thanks for stopping by Amy:)

  6. Thanks for joining in the Hip Homeschool Mom's Hop! You have such a great blog!


  7. Thanks for stopping by Meghan...I just signed up for your facebook page see you there.
