
Friday 18 March 2022

Weekly Wrap UP 3/18/22-- 12th grade update

 MarioFan is plugging away at finishing 12th grade strong.  He has already finished a few classes so his work load is decreasing.  Goal is to be finished by early May as we are moving out of state the end of May.  

The Topics that Mariofan has completed are Cybersecurity, vocabulary, driver's ed and Personal Finance (I highly recommend the program Beyond Personal Finance--it was very eye opening for the boys to do weekly budgets and see just how far money goes and how choices they make today can affect savings for their retirement in the future!) 

For Literature MarioFan is reading Ready Player one, which he has been dying to read all year!  He watched the movie a few years ago and wanted to read the book so it was put on our list for this year.

I thought the book was so much better than the film.  I am looking forward to seeing what MarioFan thinks after he is finished reading the book

For Human geography and Social Justice we have been learning about immigration.

The boys were learning about the Push/Pull dilemma of what many immigrants face

I was able to find an activity that put it in perspective for the boys.

For Social Justice they are watching the series "Immigrantion Nation" on Netflix which is about the turbulent period during the Trump presidency.  We have also discovered that Obama deported more immigrants than Trump.  While many claim in all Presidential administrations that they are targeting only immigrants with criminal backgrounds we discovered that this is simply not the case.  More non criminal immigrants are deported across the board.  I also find it absolutely deeply disturbing and horrifying that we deport men and women who served in our Armed forces, something I believe should never happen.

Physics and Spanish classes continue online and are both wrapping up mid May.  

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