
Friday 11 March 2022

Weekly wrap Up 3/11/22 -- Building update

 They are moving so fast on our new house.  We are scheduled to go out to do a pre dry wall visit in a week or two.  Just waiting for them to finish up all the wiring and HVAC system.  We have hired our own home inspector who specializes in pre dry wall inspection so if there are any issues we can catch them now before the dry wall goes up!  I will be able to take measurements and hopefully have a better vision of where my furniture will go and what we still need to get rid of so that we don't take more than we need with us.  The cost of moving out of state is astronomical so the more we can get rid off the better for our pocket books.

concrete has been poured for the basement

gravel added and more concrete from the garage 

flooring added above the basement

Walls and windows are being added 

Second floor added 

Roof trusses are up!  It is starting to look like a house
some of the brick work is being done on the house!

We have been very busy getting our current house ready to put on the market and met with the Realtors to have an open house next week!!!  Things are starting to come together and I am so excited to be be moving closer to my Mom and for us to enjoy retirement.  Right now we are so busy working on the house and finishing up the school year that it hasn't felt very relaxing, but the end is in sight.  Next update will be when we do the pre dry wall home inspection which is coming up soon. 

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