
Friday 7 May 2021

Weekly Wrap UP 5/7/21-- Family news odds and ends

 It is official the entire family has had two doses of the Vaccine!!!  No one had any side effects from the vaccines. Two people had Pfizer and Three had Moderna (I am counting my Mother in here). We have all reached the necessary 2 weeks after the vaccine so we are over 90% protected.  I have to say it was such a relief to us to be protected and now that summer is just around the corner we hope to be able to get out of the house and possibly travel.

This past weekend we pick up Firedrake from college!  We are so happy to have her back home for a while.  My how she has grown up and become more independent than ever before. One thing remains the same however, her dorm room was a mess just like her bedroom at home, lol. 

Cleaning up her dorm before heading out

We had two cars so we easily fit in everything in the cars with room to spare.  There were a few things never even opened so we can pared down next year:)

Lots of parents were helping their kid move out and we even saw a moving truck in front of the dorm!  that did make us laugh but maybe the family had twins or picking up several students to take home.  We never saw the people using the van so we don't know the whole story:)

My mother has sold her home this week and is moving in with a friend who is also a widow.  They are looking forward to having some companionship.  Both ladies are very independent and enjoy similar hobbies so it should be a great match up.  Since I live so far away I will be happy to know she has someone near by who can assist her until I can reach her if it is ever needed.  I wasn't able to help her pack out of her house and say good bye to the house where my Mom and Dad spent their last 15-16 years and that was very sad for me.  I will be traveling up soon to help her move into her new place as soon as it is ready.  It has been too long since I last saw her.  We do talk nearly every day but it just isn't the same. 

We had a little bit of a scare with our old cat, Elvis.  He had been throwing up his food and dry heaving quite a bit.  We took him to the vet to have some blood work done and try to figure out what is going on.

We found out he has a mouth infection (he is allergic to his own salvia, which the vet said was not uncommon in older cats) and shows the beginning of kidney disease.  He is now on steroids and antibiotics.  The vet also recommends that Elvis gets fluids every other week, so I went in this week to learn how to do it at home as it is much cheaper to do it ourselves then pay the vet to do it every other week.  According to the vet he is not in any pain and once we get the infection under control should bounce back quickly.  Since Elvis is older we don't want to prolong his life if he is in distressed.  So we are going to be closely monitoring him with the vet.  

oh my that was a bigger needle than I thought it would be.  you can barely see in his shoulder  blades.
He needs 200ml every other week.  It has only been a couple days and we can already see a difference in his eating:)

Elvis was super calm at the vet, hope it is that way at home but I doubt it.

I made two Cthulhu sun catchers and just got them finished up this week.  One is patina black and the other one is silver which I think shows the wings off much better.  

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