
Friday 14 May 2021

Weekly Wrap UP 5/14/21-- 11th grade nearing the end

 We are down to just 4 subjects to complete with the plan for all to be completed by the first week of June.

MarioFan completed his Grammar program this week, leaving him with just Chemistry online class, Algebra 2,  electronics and Literature.  

He is working on his last soldering kit of the school year.  

This one came with excellent directions so we are hoping it goes better then the last one

For Literature we are reading our last assigned book for the year.  

We might do a couple of Shakespeare sonnets to finish off the month of May but then we are finished!

MarioFan only has about 15 lesson for math to finish up and has decided to do Math 6 days a week in order to hurry up and get it done by the first week of June!

The only "school" being done over the summer will be Spanish and piano lesson but with private tutors.

Believe it or not I am already planning next years courses and beginning to do some lesson planning.  We are hoping to get together once a week with a friend and do 3 courses together since we have all been vaccinated.  I will post about MarioFan's 12th grade curriculum in a few weeks as I am still purchasing material and narrowing down our class choices. 

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