
Friday 27 September 2019

Weekly wrap UP 9/27/19--Update on School work and Acceptance Letter!

It is diffenently  harder to write a post about homeschooling when your kids are in High School.  I guess that is why it is so hard to find bloggers at this stage in the homeschooling journey.  My kids are practically independent with the school work.  My oldest doesn't need any assistance with her dual enrolled college classes and seems to be balancing work and school just fine.  Now that she has a driver's license she is even able to get to some activities on her own leaving me with much more free time!

MarioFan (10th grade) is doing the majority of his work on his own with me overseeing the work and guiding him.  He needs the most help with writing as that is not his strong suit.

 MarioFan is continuing and enjoying working with the 42 electronic program.  I have been very impressed with the support team.  They have been quick and responsive to any questions we have.  That said 95% of the time MarioFan is doing this program independently.

 For US history we are working on the French and Indian war.  We are using the CC course but are adding in a few additional resources.

This is an excellent video that explains the war and how it made George Washington the leader he was during the Revolutionary War.  Although it does not paint him is the greatest light when it comes to dealing with the Indians after the war:(

We are also doing some additional readings outside of Crash Course
 For Literature we have begun our first selected reading.
So many homeschool curriculum include this book but I have to say it is a tough read and the writing style is not fun.  Since I haven't read the book I am reading it along with MarioFan.  Neither of us are fans of the book and we have been researching more and more about Ben Franklin and he was not very kind to his family in many ways.

Spanish classes have begun for Co-op -- however for several weeks we have been utilizing an online tutor to keep pushing actually learning the Spanish language on MarioFan.  I don't just want it on his transcript I want him to actually learn the language and hopefully converse in it one day.
We have been utilizing an online Spanish tutor to help push MarioFan's language ability.  He has been working on translating Spanish newspaper articles.  We are also having a weekly tutor help with more conversational Spanish as this is an area that is missing from our co-op experience or at least hard to do only one day a week.  We felt he needed additional Spanish tutoring.
 For Music theory/history and drumming we are using 2 great courses videos-- the boys aren't too impressed with the videos so far and we are finding them drifting off.  So we decided to make a quiz for each video that the boys have to complete.  It is our hope they will pay more attention, sigh...
We are also trying to learning drumming!
I had the boys decorate their bucket drums as a fun first day activity  
As you can see my idea of decorating and theirs is very different,  sigh

they did however enjoying learning how to hold  drum stick and we are beginning to practice stick work.

MarioFan is taking Kung Fu at Coop for his PE credit.  it is a small class of just 4.  MarioFan is not a huge fan of exertion so he is unsure of this activity so far, lol

Last night we got a call from one of the two colleges Firedrake applied too and they have accepted her application into their program!!!  They said a letter will be arriving shortly, fingers cross that a scholarship will be offered to help us with college costs next year.

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