
Friday 20 September 2019

Weekly Wrap Up 9/13/19 -- Pokemon and airplanes

We are in the thick of schooling but still finding a few fun things to do.   Our local science center often does a first Friday of the month activity with a theme.  It is free to attend and this month it was Pokemon.  My kids are huge fans so we spent the evening there.  It was crowded and since the kids are at the age to wander around by themselves I found that I was mostly just a seat saver for the activities they wanted to do, while they explored the booths.

Kids played Pokemon trivia--they were disappointed they didn't win, but some of those questions were HARD

Sat in on a lecture of Pokemon biology which is always entertaining.
 Then we watched a fashion show.  I have no idea who any of these characters are.

The kids and I lasted about three hours before the crowds started to get to us so we left.  It was a busy night.  Next month is Stranger Things.  Kids are still deciding if they want to go.  MarioFan is not a fan of the show (too scary for him) while Firedrake has seen every episode:)

We belong to a Co-op which is just for planning and attending field trips in our area.  Usually the first few weeks of school there are tons of field trips to go on and then it subsides in the colder weather.  We try to take advantage of a few of them if they relate to our school. They plan dozens of trips every year and we have been to most of them in the five years we lived here.  But occasionally there is one planned that we haven't seen and we go even if it is not officially a school topic.

We haven't been to the Boeing facility and found out they have a small museum.  MarioFan decided he wanted to go 

the majority of items on display are models of the history of Boeing planes, missiles  and space  shuttles

Of course the man that started it all

They had a neat time line of how planes and helicopters have evolved over time. 

Seeing the inside of a cockpit 

space capsule

not a lot of room in there 


The model of the first joint US/Soviet collaboration in space prior to the building of the space station

This is one of the few jackets that has actually been in space and worn by a follow St Louisan 

The first Presidential airplane that FDR flew in.

The many different Air Force ONE's over the many years. 

MarioFan loved the museum and it was a nice way of taking a break from all our high school studies for the day!  

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