
Friday 1 February 2019

weekly wrap up 2/1/19 -- Middle Ages, 1-2 pt perspective drawing, snow

MarioFan and I have taken a momentary break from Crash Course World history to further delve into the Dark and Middle Ages.  We feel that this period is so often glossed over in Schools and it is so very important as many events that happened then really influenced the world today.
Some of the books we are looking reading 

We are enjoying reading this book about Charlemagne 

This just came out and we are going to look thru it as well.  My Husband is a Viking re-enactor when we lived in England So we love this period in history.  They were more than just raiders and looters of monasteries:)

In art we are working on one and two point perspective in drawing.  I found free worksheets that the boys used to draw floating boxes, first doing 1 pt perspective and then 2 pt.

We discuss vocabulary words like vanishing point, horizon line and the like.  I found this free art project on Teacher pay teacher.

Boys were given free reign on their project so long as it had all the requirements of the lesson

MarioFan stayed pretty close to the outline while his friend decided to make a volcanic landscape:)
 We had what is being called a historic snow fall in our area.  It snowed for the whole weekend.  buy the first morning we had 9.5 inches of snow.  the next day added another 4 inches!!!!

Luna the dog took one romp outdoors--This was heavy snow (cardiac snow) so the kids took most of the day to shovel us out and earned some extra money.

before calling it and demanding to go back inside, lol

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