
Friday 25 January 2019

Weekly Wrap Up 1/25/19-- Mid year review of progress and birthday!

This week my oldest, Firedrake turned 17!!!  OMG I still remember the baby I brought home they grow up so fast.  We are very proud of the young lady she is becoming.  Next year she will be dual enrolling in college!!

For her birthday this year in leu of presents she ask people to donate to a charity that she chose and she raised over $200 said charity.  She came to this decision on her own and I was so proud of her to state she didn't need anything but others did, so she wanted the money to go to those in need.  

I always do a mid year progress report to keep me accountable and identify any areas where we are ahead or behind and determine if any changes need to be made in our homeschooling.  Since we just passed our official 100 days I thought I would take a look at where we are.

Firedrake 11th grade Public school (part time) 7 credits 

Completed her 1st semester with A's and only one B!  We are noticing she need to up her game on studying skills which we are working on.  This semester in school she is taking the following courses:

AP literature
American Government (last semester she took Economics)
Mythology (last semester she took Drama)

At home she is continuing on:

Japanese with a private tutor

Piano with a private tutor

Driving--Working on getting her driving license by springtime

Volunteering monthly at animal shelter approx. 4 hours

Cooking one meal a week and improving her kitchen skills

We are making a family decision to send Firedrake to community college for her Senior year next year and are working on getting her enrolled at the local college.  We meet with the admissions coordinator next week to begin the process.

MarioFan is 9th grade 7.5 credits

Algebra -- Teaching Textbooks we are about at the  1/2 way mark ---- ON TARGET

World History -- We have completed unit 3 of Crash Course World history.  We are doing additional readings as needed.  ON TARGET

Literature -- Lightening Literature at co-op with friends.  ON TARGET

Vocabulary -- Wordly Wise -- 1/2 way through the book.  ON TARGET

Grammar -- IEW Fix it -- 1/2 way through the book.   ON TARGET

Health -- Lifetime health by HOLT on chapter 15.   AHEAD OF SCHEDULE (WOO HOO)

Biology -- Biology of Life completing book 2.  ON TARGET

ART and art history --  Co-op with friends.  ON TARGET

Piano -- Private tutor weekly.  ON TARGET

Spanish 1 -- Co-op class.  ON TARGET

Programming -- Completed Arduino online course with Out schooling-- COMPLETED
I just purchased a new program called 42 Electronics which is a high school program for electronics and python programing.  I am just waiting for the program to arrive so we can delve into it.  I am hoping this programs works for us, fingers crossed

Volunteering -- 4 hours a month at a local animal shelter continuing. CONTINUING

Cooking -- attempting to cook a meal one night a month we started off strong here and then have fallen off the wagon, sigh.  Keeping it on my schedule in the hopes we can get starting again!

This is the second year in a row where we are on target with everything -- WOO HOO!  It is so much easier when the kids can do independent learning so when life hits you with appts, emergencies and the kids can keep going on their own without me.  That has made a huge difference in how we can progress with our schooling.  It was a lot tougher when the kids were younger.  So hang in there if you find yourself a bit behind, as I often did when the kids were younger :)


  1. How wonderful to be right on target. Happy birthday to your young lady.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. OH MY!!! She's growing up!! Joey graduated, and it makes me so sad! He made the decision though so that he could go to the life skills center full-time. I still make him do schoolwork and he's starting some online classes for programming/creating games. I love how you check where you are at. I need to do that. It's been a crazy year!
