
Friday 23 November 2018

Weekly Wrap up 11/23/18 -- Comic Con and Meals by the kids


We are spending a quiet dinner at home just the immediate family and enjoying a little down time!

Every year I say the kids are going to do more meal prep and every year due to the evening schedule our well intentioned plans fall apart.  However this year my schedule is even worse and my husband has a new job in which he is working even longer hours, and I am trying hard to lose weight so eating out is not an option.  I have had to get super serious about meal planning (not my strong point) and everyone has now been assigned an evening in which they are responsible for a meal.  I have told the kids if you don't plan a meal and put the ingredients on the shopping list than it will be breakfast cereal for dinner.  I am still nagging to get ingredients on the shopping list by Sunday but at least the kids are doing their assigned dinners.

Firedrake making quiche one evening--this is a family favorite but she has even gotten out my old cook books and made few new to us dishes.  Everything she has attempted has turned out yummy!!!  

MarioFan is still learning the basics of cooking and I am teaching him the family favorites first then I will let him find things in a cook box to try.  

His favorite dish Enchilada's:)
We went to a small local Comic Con and spent the day exploring and couple of weeks ago.  Firedrake loves anime and when she heard that a voice actor would be there that is in one of her favorite shows she wanted to go and her her speak.

Firedrake dressed up as Taako

This is the voice actor for Pearl on Steven universe.  It was fun to hear how her speak I will say .  I have watched this show with the kids so I could actually follow along most of the time. lol

Firedrake paying rapt attention 
MarioFan found out their is going to be a star trek convention this summer in the city.  He knows all the star ships in the all the series.  There is even a local club to join.  

Seeing a 3D printed this one is only $160 dollars and can print small pieces.  The price is sure dropping on these things!!!

MarioFan messing about with light sabers:)

He stood in line for 45 minutes just so he could play a virtual reality game!!!

The TV screen shows what he is seeing, they told me.   He loved it!!

I made him wait till the afternoon before allowing him to play in the video game area.  He thought I was so mean lol!!!  I  think he played the exact games he has at home--I just don't understand the allure  sigh

 Next are just some photos of some of the customers we saw.  I haven't a clue who or what they are!!

School is going okay, nothing exciting to write about.  We took the week of Thanksgiving off of school as everyone needed a mini break.


  1. I am really getting the kids involved in cooking dinner right now too. It is a great relief to me and wonderful skills for them. Happy Thanksgiving.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. I keep telling myself to assign the kids more. It's been on my to-do list and our schedule gets away from me. The boys did this a couple years ago.

    With our evening schedule though, we are out of the house for 4 nights a week at minimum. It's crockpot I need to get a crockpot cookbook at the library. Maybe that could help them.

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