
Friday 16 November 2018

Weekly Wrap UP 11/16/18--Couple's get away, Elvis the Cat and Stain glass lantern

Our Anniversary was in early October but due to kids activities and my husband job we weren't really able to celebrate until a bit later in the month and I am just getting around to posting about it.  Since the kids are older we decided to do a mini stay vacation locally but that meant leaving the kids at home, gulp our first time.  They has emergency numbers and contacts hold they needed them:) and we were less than 45 minutes away should we need to get home quickly.

My husband and I booked a hotel room and headed to the city to explore a little night life and visit a museum that had been on our bucket list for sometime.

The St Louis Blues museum opened up just a couple years ago and we have been meaning to visit but  never seem to get around to it.  We spent the day exploring this museum.

The Ngoni West African instrument which is widely consider the precursor to the banjo

learning the difference between the trumpet and the cornet.

old time self play piano

A wall of harmonica's 

Chuck Berry is famous in this city!!!
 I won't bore you with too many pictures of the museum but it is worth a visit if you are in our city.  Lots of great information about the rise of blue music.

To end our day we went to a jazz/blues club for dinner and listened to two different artist.  Both were very good.  We splurge a bit on dinner and had a real southern meal:).

Since my husband is taking guitar lessons he was very interested in learning and watching how they musicians played their guitars.
 The next day we drove home.  It was a short but nice trip away for just the two of us.  The kids managed just fine and wondered why we didn't stay out longer, lol...might have to plan a larger trip next year:)

While my husband fell in love with the cat at the sanctuary and Elvis appeared to like him more than anyone else.  The cat   seems to now prefer to be around our kids.  This development has not gone unnoticed by my husband.  Occasionally my husband  is able to convince the cat to come sit on his lap but only if the kids are not around!!  lol. I think the cat did a bait and switch on him lol
Elvis the cat is certainly settling in around the house.  The dog and cat appear to have decided who is the alpha animal and who gets what family member and territory.  LOL
This is the position the cat takes when MarioFan is working on his computer for school 

The closest the dog and cat will get to each other lol.  At least the hissing has stopped.  Firedrake says they will both lay on her bed (opposite ends) for short periods.  I haven't seen that yet:)

This is Elvis attempting his luck at sitting on a chair at the kitchen table.  I am sitting across from him letting him know cat paws are absolutely not allowed on the table or counters in the kitchen.  I swear he looks like he wants to challenge that rule, sigh, another thing in this house that doesn't listen to me ;)

I have been working on a stain glass lantern for a while.  I finally got it done.  I am not exactly happy with it as I made a few errors.  I hope my next one turns out better.  

 side 1

side 2

Side 3

side 4--
 I am not happy with the lightening I choose for it so I will be looking around trying to find different internal battery operated lights so the glass shows better.  

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love your lantern! I always wanted to learn how to make stained glass projects.
