
Friday 8 June 2018

weekly wrap up 6/8/18-- Birthday, Baskets and Graduation from 8th grade

Happy Birthday to MarioFan who turned 14 a few days ago!  Oh my goodness time goes so fast, I still remember the baby I brought home from the hospital so many years ago.  Not only has he grown in size (now the tallest of the house) he has grown in maturity.  I am so proud of the young man he is becoming.

Recently my husband took MarioFan to a baseball game.

Somehow I am two weeks behind on posting, not sure how but things get busy.  Two weeks ago MarioFan officially graduated from 8th grade, sniff sniff!  Our Co-op held a ceremony and my parents flew in to attend.  It was a small class this year only 8 graduates but a nice ceremony.

Cake at the ceremony

a parent made a candy table

and a fun photo booth 

It was a small group only 8 this year:)

We were able to hand our son a diploma and a 2018 medal of congratulations

MarioFan couldn't wait to just get to the cake!

happy sigh we made it this far!!!
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My parents were visiting and bought him a cookie to also celebrate.

Always nice to have my parents visit and celebrate this special moment with them

We also got together two weeks ago to finish our baskets.  Here are the finished baskets.  I thought everyone did a great job!

learning how to put a rim on the basket.  Takes lots of finger strength

MarioFan only did a minor about of complaining;)

Everyone's baskets turned out great!
Art class is officially over for the summer!  

I am working on our summer schedule (we homeschool year round) although first we are taking a mini break from all things school.  We all need a break to go to the pool or just veg out a little:)

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