
Friday 15 June 2018

weekly wrap up 6/15/18 Summer school schedule

We do all year round schooling here but our summer schedule is much lighter and we take plenty of days off to do fun things.  We use this time to try to catch up on things we fell behind on during the school year or to continue subjects that I don't want the kids to forget such as Math skills!

Firedrake (going into 11th grade in September)  has decided to go to school almost full time (6 out of 7 classes)  So this summer she is going to only do a few things that we fell behind in during the school year as well as a few things to prepare for the upcoming school year.

World History-- completing unit 6 of Crash course curriculum (should only take a couple of weeks to complete)

Geoscience -- she told her Dad (who does science lessons) she wants to continue and do a unit about the planetary systems.  We did this in the earlier grades but she wants to use the high school text to delve more into the subject:)

Japanese --  continuing with her private tutor once a week and independent study

Piano -- private tutor and she is participating and preparing for the Midwest Music Association at the end of July

Driver's ed -- gulp it is that time:)  I gotten the DMV book for her to study and found a homeschool father who is also a police officer who does student driving on the side.  We are hoping to get her learning permit in the fall.  How we will afford to get her a car and the insurance to go with it is completely unknown to us at the moment;).

ACT/SAT class -- looking into several options for summer classes to review for the exams.  I also bought a computer based program called College prep genius.

On her own Firedrake likes to work on her creative writing and art during the summer!

MarioFan (going into 9th grade in September) who will continued to be homeschool next year

Grammar -- finishing up the last unit in his grammar book (only have half a chapter to complete)

Algebra -- finishing up pre algebra and then moving onto algebra using Teaching Textbooks (only have one more chapter to complete in pre-algebra then moving straight into the next book)

World History -- continuing with our textbook

Piano -- private tutor and preparing for the Midwest Music Association event at the end of July

Spanish -- we are continuing to self study Spanish and I am looking into a few options.  I may even hire a Spanish tutor if I can find one that won't break the bank:)

I checked this program out of the co-op library and will be looking at it to see if it will work
we will also be working on games online and using a work book I found just trying to keep our understanding of Spanish up throughout the summer.  I also found a bunch of simple Spanish readers that will will be working on to help with our spanish vocabulary.

Projects -- For Christmas he received three Kiwi kits and he wants to work on them this summer.  He keeps saying he wants to be an electrician or a video game designer, so we thought these electrical projects might help him decide.

Reading-- I will be encouraging him to read throughout the summer, which is not his favorite thing to do:)

Lastly, MarioFan will be working on his cooking skills.  I am trying to get him to plan and cook at least one meal weekly for the summer.

So that is the plan for the summer for both kids! Again we don't do these things everyday and we have lots of fun activities planned as well.  We got 6 Flag season passes again and will try to go every week for a day.  We also have a trip to the South west planned that we are all looking forward too.

We never accomplish it all but I always have a plan:)

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