
Friday 7 October 2016

Weekly Wrap up10/07/16-- School and Surgery

Been an interesting week for us.  My husband needed to have shoulder surgery this week!
Luckily the shoulder wasn't as messed up as we thought so after some PT he should be back to  normal by Christmas .  Right now he is taking a week off from work to heal.

At our little book club the boys completed the last 9 chapters in Farmer Boy and while we discussed the book we worked on some crafts relating to the book

Our first project was making a door draft snake since the book talked about winterizing the farm using hay.

Next the boys made a bobsled 

completed bobsled

lastly the boys made a mocassin:) 

While at home MarioFan worked on the free lap book from Homeschool share 

lap book all completed.
We had planned a field trip to Prairie Days which was to be held last weekend but was cancelled due to rain.  We are going to try go to Deutsch Days next month which will show how the German pioneers lived in the MO area.

The boys will begin a new book next week and we are going to try something very different with the boys.

This week we had a field trip at a local University.  We attended two classes, the morning class was on Chemistry and the kids performed about 6 different experiments.

Kids learned about the parts of an atom

learned about chemical reactions

physical reactions-- here they are melting a styrofoam cup

the cup dissolved into a blob 

They also learned about density 

even more experiments were performed.

making dropper divers.

The afternoon class was on Fossils/evolution and ecology.
discussed the age of the earth and layers of earth

recreated their own fossil and earth layer

discussed the changes of animals and the earth 

kids were challenged to decide what happened first in the evolution order-- they were a little off:)

correct order

Also did the rope of life visual as to when things may have occur -- most happening recently.

It was a great day and the college students were really amazing with the kids.  We have another day of science scheduled for next month since MarioFan wanted to do more of these kinds of activities.

It has been a busy week:).  Still no news on the car situation, sigh


  1. Oh, sorry about your husband's shoulder. Seems you accomplished a lot this week despite having another person to care for. Your son seemed to enjoy his interactive work.
