
Friday 14 October 2016

Weekly wrap Up 10/14-- A new car-- Finally!!!!

We finally heard back from the insurance and after nearly 5 weeks they finally decided to total our mini van after the flooding in Kansas City.  It has been a long ordeal but we are so glad it is over.  As soon as we got the payout from the insurance we went out and bought a new car.  We decided to not replace the mini van but instead look for a cross over car with better gas mileage.  My husband did tons of research and settled on the Subaru Outback.  We went for a test drive Wednesday morning and by that evening we brought home a new car!
I love the color!
We also made a decision about the roof of the house and found a bid we liked and had a company installed a new roof on the house.
I am not going to lie that was a tough bill to swallow but it had to be done before winter!
My husband is still recuperating from his shoulder surgery and has begun painful Physical Therapy.
My daughter loves volunteering at the World Bird sanctuary  She is now allowed to handle some of the birds.  She is feeding one of the parrots.

She is also getting over her fear of spiders!  :)
 While at coop we are continuing our book club and added a new child to the mix.  We decided to give the boys a chance to write their own stories but using books that already have the illustrations.
One of the Mothers brought in this book which tells a story without using any words

We had the boys discuss each page and discuss what pictures were saying in this story.  The boys loved looking at the pictures and each actively participated in what they thought was happening based on the pictures.  We were very pleased how though and in depth the boys were able to go just based on pictures.  Next week the boys will be actually using a different book and writing down their story.  We are thinking the boys will work together to make a story but if that doesn't work then they can each have a book and work separately.   We will see how it goes.

Since the boys got along so well as did the MOMs (always a plus) I invited the boys and Mothers to join us on our yearly trip the the City museum.  My kids love this facility and it is our trip to celebrate not going back to school!

They had a great time together and we all exhausted by the time we left 5 hours later:)

As for other school news the kids are working on learning about the Great depression, the Dust bowl and the new deal.  Some of the books we are looking at are:
MarioFan is also reading the book Out of the Dust and Firedrake is reading Grapes of Wrath.  In addition to these books we are looking at various documentaries on this period.

Kids were determine to decorate the outside of the house this year, as last year for some reason I never got around to it.


  1. I very much love hearing about your week. Love the car. We just got a new roof put on, too. I am sorry physical therapy hurts. Hopefully it will really help him though.The book looks interesting. The decorations are great!

  2. I very much love hearing about your week. Love the car. We just got a new roof put on, too. I am sorry physical therapy hurts. Hopefully it will really help him though.The book looks interesting. The decorations are great!

  3. What a full and fruitful week you had! Love the decorations :-D
