
Friday 6 May 2016

Weekly wrap up--Art Show 5-6-16

The kids have officially met all our state's homeschooling requirements last week! YAY!!!  We only have 1 week of coop left and then we move to our lighter school summer load!  To be honest we are already slowing way down on school week so we can enjoy the outdoors a bit more.  Next week my oldest, Firedrake will be participating in a 8th grade Homeschool graduation ceremony, sniff sniff.  We are so lucky to have a inclusive homeschooling community near by, although it took me ages to find it!

This week we are mostly concentrating on wrapping up Coop classes, finishing coop projects , taking final exams and preparing for graduation.

Fire drake sent in an application to volunteer this summer at the Wild Bird Sanctuary that is near us and this past weekend went to their orientation.
She is looking forward to learning more about the birds and the other small wildlife animals they have there.  She will be volunteering 16 hours a month for the summer and while we hope this can continue during the 2016-2017 school year it  will depend greatly on her school work.

We also attended the homeschool art show this week.  Firedrake entered one piece.  MarioFan declined to enter a piece.
Firedrake piece.  She worked really hard on it and is self taught and learning graphic art on the computer.

There were over 150 art pieces submitted from K to 12th grade.  I took a few pictures of some of our family's favorites.
We all loved this one, done by an 10th grader and it won second place

One of the photography photos and I was surprised that it didn't win 

I think this was a first grader 

A mother board cake which won an honorable mention ribbon

Called Dumbledory, my daughter loved it.

This one won best of show and first place for 12th grade.  Titled The Queen of Jakku--Rey

They had a lovely presentation and every artist won a participation ribbon.  The art pieces were judge the night before the art show by local artists and ribbons were provided for honorable mentions, third, second and first place.  The night of the art show the kids all got to vote and there were ribbons provided for those who won based on the kids vote.  It was very interesting to see that what the kids thought was the best in each grade.  It was often not what the art judges thought!

Firedrake won Honorable mention in her grade!

Another great and busy week has flown past!  Hope you had a great week too.


  1. What amazing works of art! I love that motherboard cake. I think we may have to do something like that just for fun homeschooling Activity one day.

  2. What amazing works of art! I love that motherboard cake. I think we may have to do something like that just for fun homeschooling Activity one day.

  3. Again, I marvel at all that your children are doing and are involved in. The works of art were awesome. I enjoyed all of the photos of the wrap up.
    I love that Firedrake won honorable mention in her grade.
    Wishing you a very Happy Mother's Day Celebration and I am sending loving thoughts your way!

  4. How fun!! Her artwork is amazing!!
