
Friday 13 May 2016

Weekly Wrap up 5-13-16--Last day of Coop

Firedrake graduates tomorrow from 8th grade!  She is now officially in 9th grade, my how times flies.  My parents are in town so they can attend the Graduation ceremony with us, so I have a full house.  I won't have any pictures until the next weekly wrap up.

This week was the last week of coop I tried to talk the kids into letting me take their picture for the last day but they weren't interested:(

We attended a Cardinals baseball game.  Firedrake opted not to go as she isn't much of a baseball fan.

Unfortunately the Cards lost:(

Firedrake has worked two 4 hours  shifts at the World Bird Sanctuary and has come home very excited! volunteering 4 hours a week for the rest of the summer and we will see if she can continue once school resumes.
She was excited because she helped feed the birds and is learning all about the wild birds.  Won't be long before she knows more than her parents:)

Kids got their reports cards from coop and got A's in each of their four classes!I am very proud of them as this was the first year where they had weekly homework, quizzes, mid terms and even final exams to do for classes.
Firedrake was taking Literature, Spanish level 1, drama and watercolor painting
MarioFan was taking art, intermediate Spanish, computer, and drama

At home we are learning about the Progressive era in US history and comparing it to the Guilded Era.
Learning about the legislation that was passed  during this time

Comparing the the two some point I hope to have the kids make a poster to hung up in our school room.  We  watched videos from Crash course on the Guilded age and the Progressive age. We are also reading several books, researching the eras on the internet to get a better understanding how one era lead to the other.

My own project this week has been to fixed two of our kitchen chairs which had broken seat bottoms. Luckily while I lived in England a very dear friend  (Waves to Rebecca) helped me recover my dining room chairs and that gave me the needed skills and confidence to tackle this project!
This was not an inexpensive kitchen set so I was quite annoyed when after only two years the seat bottoms were breaking.

After removing the seat bottoms and removing the fabric I could see the chairs were made out of inexpensive pressed board.  The chair frame was still intact.

I bought some 3/4 inch plywood and drew the shape of the seat on it and my husband cut them out.

Luckily I could salvage the foam as it was not in too bad a shape.

I also carefully removed the fabric and was able to save it to reuse.

Once the new boards were cut I placed everything together to make sure it would fit properly
Then began stapling the foam, fabric to the new seat bottom.

The new seat back 

And now my chairs look as good as new.  I am thinking about redoing all the chairs soon, since the original seat bottoms are very poorly constructed.


  1. Wow, amazing job on savaging and redoing the seats!! The chair looks beautiful in that pic!!

    Congrats to Firedrake on her grad!! Onto high school! Enjoy the week and having Mom and Dad over!

    I've stopped by here and there and just never commented...feel like I'm always rushing as I try to stay up with my fav blogs!

    I temporarily left fb but will look for you again to refriend and get caught up.....

    Enjoy the weekend!!

  2. They look great! I have never been that brave to try that! Enjoy the weekend!

  3. What an awesome week! Great job on re-purposing the chair! Visiting today from Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers. Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)

  4. I love home improvement projects like that! Great job. They look wonderful. I totally understand where you're coming from though; we bought a brand new couch set and within three to four months of owning it it started falling apart. It's so annoying that nothing is made well anymore.

  5. I love home improvement projects like that! Great job. They look wonderful. I totally understand where you're coming from though; we bought a brand new couch set and within three to four months of owning it it started falling apart. It's so annoying that nothing is made well anymore.

  6. Very crafty with fixing the chairs. That's something my husband likes to do, while I am usually the one breaking the chairs.
