
Friday 21 August 2015

Weekly Wrap up 8/21/15

It is getting harder and harder to find time to write posts with the schedule we are keeping.  I have several in my draft folder that need to be written, hopefully I will get some time this weekend:)!

We had so much fun this weekend attending two fun local events that gave us some amazing family time!

Our local botanical Gardens had a Chinese Lantern festival and it was beautiful--full post coming soon:)

Our tiny town put on a hot air balloon glow and it was fun to see--post hopefully coming soon:)

This is the official full week of school for us and we are back to working five days a week although still maintaining a shorter days as I did promise the kids they could have a shorter schedule until Sept when coop starts.

As for school we have kept a busy schedule as usual.  Firedrake completed another drawing with her art tutor that I think is very good...yes I know I am her Mother.  This week she had her last private lesson and soon she will begin her art class in coop with the same teacher.

She drew our Beardie--Isaac 

Field trip season has started up, we belong to a field trip coop and while over 70 field trips were submitted, we signed up for about 20.  Last year I over scheduled and we often had to miss the field trips, so I am hoping we planned this better this year.  Our first field trip was to a Recycling Center.

We had a great speaker who was very enthusiastic about this topic--hopefully a full post coming:)

The kids are working on creating a history poster to cement their knowledge of the events that lead up to the Civil War!  We have been reading and learning about all of the events over the summer and getting ready to discuss the war itself.  I hope to be writing about our process on this soon!

The kids brainstorm with me on all they remembered from our readings and we wrote it down.  Next we need to organize and start planning out our poster design!  I was very please to see what they remember!

That is our crazy week in a nutshell, hopefully I will get some time this weekend to finish up those posts:) which I am sure you are dying to read, LOL!

Have a great week!  Happy Homeschooling!


  1. Wow, what a great week! I love the drawing. Beautiful week!

  2. Wow, what a great week! I love the drawing. Beautiful week!

  3. The think the drawing looks great - and I'm not her mother!

  4. Love the summary board. And the hot air balloons? They are on my bucket list. I'm visiting from weekly wrap up!

  5. I loved the pictures and it looks like you are busy and will continue to be so.
    I love the Civil war era so I will enjoy your adventures it this.
    Blessings and hugs!
