
Tuesday 18 August 2015

Lincoln's Springfield home and tomb

After seeing where Lincoln spent his young adult years at Lincoln's New Salem we went to see where Lincoln lived in Springfield before becoming President.  It was pouring with rain this day so I have very few outside pictures.
Lincoln home where he lived for about 17 years with Mary and his 4 boys.

The family Parlor many of the furniture is original to the home and to the Lincoln family 

This may have been the room where Lincoln was told he was nominated for Republican President 

The furniture is original and is made of black horse hair

It was said the Mary may have had a bit of a spending problem and it got her in a lot of trouble when they lived at the White House

There are many rumors about their marriage, while they loved each other it was a very stormy relationship 

dining room

guest bedroom

Lincoln's bedroom which was separate from his wife which was a sign of wealth in those days.

Lincoln's writing desk where it is believed he work on for his law practice and during the lame duck session prior to becoming president. 

The help's quarter...It was reported that the Lincoln's often hired young girls to assist with the running of the house and the girls were often targets of the hijinks of the Lincolon son's who were quite wild.

It was reported that Mary loved to cook and did most of the family's meals.  Lincoln's favorite dessert was Mary's white almond cake, which she made often.
While living in this house the Lincoln's had four boys, one of which died in infancy.  Lincoln was gone for long periods while working on his law practice and his wife Mary often felt he had abandoned her so it was a source of tension.  Lincoln run for political office at the local level and become famous for his debates against Stephen Douglas while living here.

Our next stop was the Lincoln museum and his tomb
outside the tomb

Inside were replicate of various statues found throughout the US of Lincoln this one is of course the  replicate of the one found at the Lincoln memorial in Washington DC

We learned that Lincoln served in the military but didn't really see any action which disappointed him

HIs tomb--he heard an interesting story from the park ranger where several years after his burial several people broke into the tomb wanting to kidnap Lincoln's body.  Luckily Pinkerton's men knew about the plot and where waiting for them inside the tomb and they were arrested

Mary Todd, his wife and two of his children are buried here

A bronze face mask where everyone seems to touch his nose!
We had a great tour of Springfield Illinois an learned a great deal about Lincoln, his life and his presidency.  We also spent time touring the Lincoln museum which I will try to write a post about later.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the tour and the photos. It looked like a great time. I am a history buff; so I truly loved this era. I especially like the decor and homes in this era.
