
Wednesday 1 July 2015

Escape from Sudan--Book Review

I was Contacted by Amanda Dicianni via email and asked if I would review a new book that she had written.  Once she told me it was about Africa I was very interested.  My family and I had the great privilege a few years ago to visit a country in Africa and we hope to be able to go back one day.    My husband has visited many areas in Africa for his job so he was very familiar with this particular country and crisis.

Escape from Sudan is about a teenage boy named Elijah Bwoko and his family who are torn apart during the war in Sudan.  It is about his struggle to survive, reconnect with his sister, and immigrate to America.  There are many adversaries he and others must overcome to achieve their goal!  While the story must touch on some violence,which is so prevalent in this part of the world, it is done so that is easy for a younger reader to manage.  There are several nail biting moments when you wonder if Elijah is ever going to overcome all his obstacles!

While on vacation I read the book and I admit to not fully understanding the conflict in Sudan.  While reading this book, I saw so many opportunities that I can have with my children to discuss the violence, as well as some philosophical  questions that the book brings up. For example, is it really the best thing for Westerners to buy slaves in order to free them or does this only encourage the slave traders?  I don't want to give too much away but after I read that, my husband and I had quite a discussion about it!  This book was a great introduction for children to understand the Sudanese War!

My children have not read this book yet, but it is on my list for our school year.  I foresee us doing a complete country study and including this book as one of the resources.  While it is a fictitious story it is is very relative to the crisis of many people of that area.  I personally think this book is geared for the elementary and middle school age group!  I would love to see a follow up story about Elijah and his family and how they adapted to their move to the United States.

About the Author Amanda Dicianni found from the back of the book:

"Amanda first encounter the Sudanese in 1999 when she taught English to the Sudanese refugees at a school in Egypt.  She earned  her degree in Literary Writing from Oral Roberts University and enjoys traveling the world helping those in need and telling them about Jesus."

I was given this book free for the sole purpose of providing an honest review.  All thoughts are given freely and are my own opinion.

Escape from Sudan can be found on Amazon for $6.99 paperback or $2.99 Kindle

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the book review; it looks like a great read. Blessings!
