
Tuesday 30 June 2015

Summer School schedule

The family has taken about six weeks off to to visit family and friends, but it is now time to get back to our schooling.  We school year round, although I keep a much looser schedule for the summer.  My goals for the next two months are pretty simple, I think!

Science:  finished up our human body unit, we still need to completed the endocrine and human reproductive system.  I also want to talk to the children about drugs and alcohol.

Math:  each child will be continuing to work on their Math U see books

History:  We are continuing with our American history currently working on the gold rush, and the antebellum years leading up to the civil war.

Language Arts:  we will continuing with our IEW work, along with spelling

Computer:  Both kids are working on a computer programs, microsoft word and excel

Firedrake decided she wanted to have art lessons this summer so we have hired an art teacher to stop by once a week to provide weekly art lessons

Mariofan decided he wanted to try a summer camp for a week that concentrates on sports.  This will be the first time he has tried attending a camp program!

And that is about the extent of the school I expect for the summer months.  We will continue to take days off here and there to go swimming, bowling, six flags (we have season passes),  or trips to the zoo!

We will move up to our next grade level in September which is when I will post our new school schedule and expectations for the new school year.  We are going to be trying lots of new things for both children.


  1. Love your home school goals for the summer. I actually think it is good to keep them busy learning and not just sitting around playing internet games and other media.
    Of course, you know I love all of your adventures.

  2. Good luck with that camp! He's totally going outside of his comfort zone and that, alone, is a great step!

    Let's get together for some of your fun excursions. :)
