
Monday 18 August 2014

Classroom set up

It is that time of the year when everyone is posting their School rooms.  I thought I would share ours. Since we moved into our new home last year I am down to having only one box left that is not unpacked (it holds mostly completed projects the kids have done for school but couldn't part with).  I was so excited to have a designated school room when we moved into this house since prior to that we spent five years schooling in the dining room.

This is how the room looks, so some pictures are messy as I didn't really clean up so I can show you how it really looks most days:)  I painted the room a very bright sunflower yellow color and I love it.

This is my desk area, the book shelves hold my resources for this year and those I bought for next year.  The red  pocket folder on the wall is where I keep things that I print out to use for upcoming units.  It helps me to not forgot to use things I print out which I am prone to do:)  I also keep excess school supplies here should we need them
This area is for storing art kits, science kits and additional items that we use.  I also have a few items displayed that the kids and I have made for various unit studies.

This area is where I keep my portable white/chalk board, easel that can be moved around the room and flip chart which I use for various things that need to remain written down for the kids.  Behind this I keep various posters and charts that I hang up when we are working on units.  Currently our weather posters are up and we refer to them often

This is the children's computer stations and our printer.

Next the the computers our two large maps (smaller maps are of the peterson maps)  We refer to these maps often

Along this wall are our school books--as you can see it is in disarray but there is madness to my system.  Each shelf holds a different topic.  Again the top shelf holds some of our completed school projects.

This is the main working station--kids on each side with me in the middle helping them as they need it.  I found a great timeline in Santa Fe that we have hanging up here that we refer to regularly.  We also have a TV and DVD player above the desk to review shows, youtube videos or short teacher DVDs as needed.  Longer DVDs are shown downstairs in the living room so we can comfortable stretch out on the couch!

Between the large windows  is another bookshelf which hold many novels and readers that I want the kids to  read.  I am addicted to second hand book stores:)  I also store many of my art and crafts in the white 3 drawer plastic bins.  I am still saving money and looking for a better storage system for this area.

These are the school records that I have maintain for the children since we started homeschooling nearly seven years ago.  They really should go down to the basement but I haven't moved them so far:(

Firedrake is starting to want to do more of her school work away from me and I am encouraging this, so we created a space in her bedroom where she can work without interruptions.  It is also where she like to work on her art projects.

That is our school space in a nutshell!  We still do school in other places in our house, the living room, kitchen even the back deck but it is very nice to have a dedicated space where I can keep all school supplies and not have it take over the whole house.  Next post I will let you know our curriculum choices for the year!


  1. You have quite the organization of your school materials. I love how you have it all set up. My daughters is not this organized. I worry about that. One question I have is; do you give tests to the children? How do you know what grade level they are presently on? I assume you teach at grade level; but do you test to see if they are above the age grade level or not. I hope all this made sense? Anyway, I am just curious.

  2. This is great and I'm sure it works well for you... we have become a little LESS structured in our schooling... oh, we still do the work, but don't have the "official" room anymore.... although the dining room has the cubbies for each person's school books and my desk is there. Some of the currently used books are in the living room. A lot of our books are in the family room(our library! :) and Science and other supplies are in the cupboards in the basement..... we school all over and it works very well... every once in a while, though, I see a schoolroom like yours and think... hmmm.... that would be nice. :) Thank you for sharing it.
