
Friday 15 August 2014

Bird sanctuary visit

Recently we visited a Bird sanctuary that is very close to our house.  Several times while camping we have had bird talks from volunteers from this sanctuary.  We met up with some friends and went to look

Firedrake loved seeing the birds of prey--most birds are here for recovery and will be released back into the wild, while others can not be released.  We also read some birds have been brought into the country illegally and can not be released into the wild.

Firedrake loved seeing the birds of prey.

There are several inside building with hands one exhibits for the kids to touch and explore.  Seeing the full wing span of  a bird

even a few non flying creatures were found -- like snakes

A chicken was inside one building and the kids loved feeding it some food from its container

egg shelf to explore the different sizes of eggs from various birds

Looking at an Eagles nest and hearing how big they can get

This facility is completely supported by donation no state funding is provided.  Here we could see some of the birds that were being cared for.  Many would be released back into the wild

We could not go inside but there were windows we could peek in to see the injured birds

Many interesting signs explaining the features of the birds and explaining the difference

There were many volunteers around showing different items of birds.  Here we were comparing the wings of  an owl and  another bird

these tiny feathers along the edge are why owls fly so soundlessly according to the volunteer

looking and touching claws and learning that some birds can completely turn their back claw around to the front if needed to hold onto prey sort of acting like a thumb

Homing pigeons

Pelicans eating lunch

Area for the younger kids to play with bird puppets

We found another cake -- up to 50 cakes so far

They had fruit bats


and talkative birds

We had a great day visiting this facility and learned they do many special events throughout the year to raise money such as concerts, children events and even lectures.  I also discovered they have volunteer programs for those wanting to learn more about birds.  Since Firedrake loves falcons we are looking into this option but there is a large waiting list so it may take a while.


  1. This facility is a GEM, isn't it!!!!!!
    My stepdaughter had the opportunity to volunteer here during her undergrad years. After a few experiences with the birds, she is now often heard to say, "I really DON'T love the raptors."
    LOL...a bit of an understatement, according to her.

    Great place to visit though!!!!!

  2. BTW, we have a cake down near our place...


  3. Your adventures are a amazing and I like this one. It would be fun to get to work with the birds; I hope she will get too.
    Blessings and hugs!

  4. That eagle nest is huge! What a fun place to go to!

  5. Wow, what an amazing place! Will have to visit if we're ever in the area! We have raptor education shows at our business during the summer and they are really popular.

  6. Hi Anna-Marie,

    Stopping in to say Hi since it's been sooooo long since I have come over for a visit and I apologize. I sure do miss living your adventures through your blog here so I'm so glad I was able to come by now and learn more about the bird sanctuary you visited. This looks like another amazing place! My kids love birds of prey as well and that would be awesome if your kids were finally able to volunteer! And I didn't know that about the owls feathers and the silent flying. Interesting! I hope you have a blessed school year and I'll try to do better about visiting your corner of blog land as I need to do for other bloggers as well! :)
