
Monday 9 June 2014

Summer Schedule

Whew, we have made it thru another school year! While we continue to school year round we usually take it a bit slower in the summer.  My parents spent a month visiting us and we only schooled  half days for the month of May finishing up our Math and grammar programs.  My parents returned to their home and took with them my two children for A MONTH!!!  I have never been away from the kids that long before, usually only a week or so.  What is so strange about it this time is that my husband will be working while I am at home, ALONE!!  We do have a few couple get aways planned but the majority of the time I will be at home.  My husband has a fantasy that he will be coming home to gourmet meals during this time:)!  My plans are to work on my stain glass hobby which I have neglected for years and years! and possibly start planning next years school schedule and maybe even organize a few rooms that really need my attention.

We are very lucky as my parents whole heartedly support our homeschooling endeavors and have several exciting things planned for the children that related to our studying.  For example my parents are taking them to Philadelphia to visit the liberty bell and some of the Revolutionary war sites we are beginning to study.  I even sent a few simple school assignments that the kids will work on while with my parents.  If they get done that is great but if not that is also fine, too.

Summer School schedule includes (some done with my parents and the rest will begin once the kids return home)

1.  Work on Life of Fred books intermediate level--we are taking a break from Math U see this           summer and trying something a little different

2.  Continue to study and learn about the Revolutionary War thru readings, field trips and videos

3.  MarioFan is going to begin working on Cursive handwriting with HWT

4.  Complete Weather unit--we are almost done just a few more experiments and things to look over before we move on to the Human body

5.  Reading, reading, and more reading:) books of the children's choosing

6.  Minecraft classes thru Homeschooling with Minecraft

7.  Continue to practice Piano

8.  Try Mango for Spanish lessons to retain what we have learned for the years as our Tutor takes the summer off

Of course we always take plenty of time off to play and explore during the summer.  We have several camping trips planned and lots of field trips.

If you haven't seen me stopping by your blogs it is because with my parents visiting I have been incredibly busy.  Hopefully I will be stopping by soon.  Blogging over the next month or so will be sporadic since the kids are with my parents and I will be taking some time off to regroup and organize my home and according to my husband fixing him gourmet meals when he comes home from work!


  1. You are lucky to have such supportive parents! What I would give! My parents are great, but being supportive of homeschooling is not one of their qualities (of course my mother was not only a teacher, but the president for her teachers' union, so the fact that she hasn't criticized homeschooling to me openly is as much as I'd hoped for). The few times that I have been in my house alone, I almost became frantic with feeling so much pressure that OMG, I am alone, I can do whatever I want.... Wait, what do I want to do?.... I don't know?.... I could do a,b, c, d, e, .... Ahhhh! Which thing should I do first?.... Should I do several little things or one big project? .... Should I do something for me or a chore that really needs doing????? Ahhhh! Hopefully, one day I'll learn to deal with the stress and hopefully you're handling it better than I do. :-)

  2. Sounds like the kids will have a fun and busy summer! Enjoy your catch up time!

  3. Wow, a whole month! I'm not sure I could do that :-) I love to see what others are doing during the summer. We plan to keep up most of our reading (my kids are little still) and then add in a bunch of science this summer. It seems like science is what ends up getting cut during the long winter months, so we make up for it by being out in nature :-)
