
Monday 16 June 2014

Couples get away

My kids left to spend a month with my parents, we have never left the children that long before and I was nervous and worried about being on my own for that long.  Luckily I have an amazing husband who took a few days off work and took me to Memphis for a long couple's only get away.  I have to say it was nice to just have some couple time.  My husband is a huge music fan of every type of music.  We had gone to Memphis many years ago to visit Elvis's Home so this time we skipped that and explored some other famous sites.  Memphis is such a great place for music and history.

We visited the Civil rights museum which is housed in the motel where Martin Luther King was shot

Explored Beale street and listened to music every single night

Visited the Peabody hotel and the famous ducks

Explored the rock and soul museum

The Cotton exchange museum

Visited a home which was part of the underground railroad

toured Gibson's guitar factory

attended a minor league baseball game, Memphis Redbirds:) and caught a baseball to bring home for the kids:)

It was nice to get away just the two of us and it gave me time to adjust to the fact that the children are gone for a month:)  While I know my kids are going to have an amazing time with my parents and I am so happy for them, I am still feeling a bit lost.  Even my husband said the house upon our return was too quiet:)!

If I have time I will do a few longer posts about our trip, but right now I am spending some time in my new stain glass room working on some projects for the house:)


  1. Why are the ducks from the Peabody Hotel famous? I'm surprised at how flat Memphis is. I expected it to look more like a big city like LA, NYC, or Seattle. It looks more quaint and welcoming than any of the cities are.

  2. It looks like a fun time. WOW a week with no children, I would be great for a day or two and then would miss them like crazy...LOL....enjoy your summer!

  3. I can't wait to see more of you!
