
Friday 18 April 2014

Science Expo at a University

We heard the University of Missouri was holding a Science expo so we decided to attend and it was excellent.  They had three floor of science stations and we spent nearly 4 hours there before we got tired.  I also got some resources and leads for where I can find science resources that are more aligned to my science belief and how we wish to teach the children.  I can't wait to start investigating these options.

UMSL campus

The kids were able to explore and perform many experiments and there were so many science handouts given out to parents to incorporate science at home.  I am still sorting thru all the information I got

This experiment was on my list when we did geology and I never got around to it so the kids got to see how soil and rocks filter water

We saw straw hands and I plan on having the kids recreate this next year when we start studying anatomy

Making marshmallow catapults

Learning about the water cycle and how pollutes make it into the water supply

Watching someone recreate a ice meteorite using dry ice.

Playing a ecology jeopardy game

Making green algae

and turning it into a necklace...I plan on using this under our microscope soon

Learning about the recycling process

Making paper/straw rockets

Learning about muscles of the hand using clay

I have to say this was my favorite stand...the kids got to perform surgery!

Using real surgeon tools (except the knives) on a stuff dog

The dog has been neutered and survived the surgery:)

Chess is Firedrakes new passion and she solved the puzzle on her second try so she was very happy

listening to different heart sounds

making bottle tornadoes

String art and how it incorporated mathematics--I really need to try this with the kids one day

Seeing the new classroom technology that will be coming out soon in some public school, very neat but above my homeschool budget:)

playing on an interactive table which the kids enjoyed.
I came home with a huge bag of resources and supplies that we can use in our home school.  We learned so much and will go again when it is held next year, as I am sure we missed a few stalls.


  1. Oh my this looks like a fantastic learning moment. I really miss reading your posts. I really get a wonderful education reading your adventure. I am still on a blog vacation. I couldn't resist peeking in for Easter and doing a post myself.
    Blessings, love and hugs!

  2. Now this is one thing that we actually have in our area! I just have never gone, because I hear nightmare stories about the parking. With my lupus, if I had to park far away, I wouldn't have any energy to explore the exhibits. I don't know how big yours ways, but supposedly UW's is so big that you can't see it all in one day. As is, that sounds incredibly draining, even disregarding the parking. Oh to be in my 20's and healthy-ish again! I think the math string art is the coolest looking exhibit, though it may not have been that interesting. I did some string art like that when I was in 2nd grade or so and attended a gifted summer school program. It was lots of fun, though I'm not sure that I really got the tie to math. Waldorf uses that a lot to teach times tables, but is very clear that it is math. Glad the dog survived his operation! :-)
