
Wednesday 16 April 2014

Purina Farms Field trip

Not too far away from us is Purina Farms which is the pet food company but it is also known for holding many animal exhibits (mostly different type of dog shows).  Our local group planned a trip there and we decided to go and see what was there.
They were getting all decorated for Easter

Inside there is a room that explains the process of making animal pet food and lots of hands on items for the kids to explore

If you ever wanted to do a report on the changing times of a local company they had a great timeline for the company and their logos changes and items sold.  

They have a large barn where the kids could watch some animals and it is lambing time.  We loved doing this in England

We also saw baby cows with their mothers

We got there just in time for milking and this cow was making quite a fuss waiting to be milked

We got to watch a milking demonstration

kids each got to try milking the cow the old fashion way

Both were successful in getting milk:)

Then the farmer showed us how the cows are milked in the modern age

The farm has a very small petting area for pigs, hens, and rabbits

this hen just jump up on Firedrakes lap and made herself at home

We also saw miniature horses and donkeys

We found another St. Louis 250th birthday cake

We watched a dog show which they hold twice a day

We are told in the summer they even have a pool that the dogs jump in and do tricks but it was closed today as it was too cold

Where se saw the show dogs homes

and the cats had a great house all to them selves, there must have been a dozen snoozing on the different levels.

Next we took a wagon ride around the property and to the dog show exhibit hall.  I found out they hold weekend dog shows almost every weekend of the year so I have added that to our calendar as the kids and I have never been to a dog show and it sounds fun!

Inside the animal barn on the second floor is a small play area with lots of hidden tunnels that MarioFan loved to explore

and rope swings....Firedrake is getting too big to want to do these types of things anymore.

We had a great day exploring this farm seeing all the animals, reminded us of the farms in England and lambing season.


  1. Man! You guys have lots of interesting things to do there! If we have such types of tours around here, none of the homeschool groups arrange trips there and I don't know about them. We live right by Carnation, the high cream company. We went on a tour there when we first moved up here. Shortly afterwards, they stopped being open to the public.

  2. That looks fantastic - Hannah would have LOVED it and has really enjoyed all your pictures :-)

  3. Hi! I see you haven't updated the field trips blog hop in awhile. I would love to participate if you ever start it back up -- looks like you're still going on fun field trips!
