
Wednesday 11 December 2013

Weekly wrap up and Homeschool Journal

I have been MIA from my blog for about two weeks because I have been so busy.  Have you ever gotten the feeling that you are swimming upstream with your head just barely out of water...well that is me and where I am at this time.  For the first time ever I am suffering from homeschool burn out and the holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving and now Christmas) have completely overwhelmed me this year:(  I still haven't got the Christmas tree up and it will probably not happen until this weekend

We just got back from my parents for a 2 week visit.  My father had surgery and is non weight bearing on his left leg.  Just as we arrived my sister was admitted into the hospital for a week for atypical pneumonia.  My niece has been in her third car accident since obtaining her driving license and needs to be driven to and from work.  So our arrival was much needed as my mother was running around trying to take care of everyone needs in addition to completing her role as President of the local garden club.  While I was there I helped her (a little) make over 15 table flower arrangements for various events.  I swear my Mother has more energy than I do:).   We had a great visit and the kids loved, loved playing with my parents and sister's dogs.   They were super good about walking the dogs and feeding the dogs with out so much as a whimper:).   I feel so bad that we can't own a dog due to my husbands allergies:(, because after this trip I have no doubt they are responsible enough to care for a dog.

We left our reptiles, Isaac and Lizzy, with a local pet store that boards reptiles.  The owner and her mother were so sweet and sent the kids pictures and email updates on the reptiles so the kids could see their pets were doing well.  We will definitely be using her again to petsit the reptiles for our future travels.  We even got some Christmas photos of our pets:)  Is it bad that the reptiles have Christmas photos but I haven't had time to get any of my children.

On the school front we are plugging along quite nicely in all areas.  For Science, we are turning our attention to the layers of the earth and plate tectonics.  For History, we are learning about Jamestown, the first English colony.  For reading my daughter is reading the Hunger games trilogy, she can't wait to see the next movie with me this weekend.  I wish she would read it with me but she no longer likes to be read too as she says it is too distracting :)  We did however, have some great discussions about the book, characters and plot.  My son and I are reading Mr. Poppers Penguin's together.

Onto the family news:  My daughter is now officially taller than me by a 1/4 inch, more if she is wearing shoes.  When it was pointed out to her (not by me I might add) that she is now taller than her mother she was super excited, it appears that she has been waiting for this moment for years :).

My husband and I have finally bitten the bullet and join Weight Watchers online about 3 weeks ago and even lost weight over the Thanksgiving holidays, which I didn't think would be possible.  So far I have lost 10 pounds and hope to continue.  It is fun to do this with my husband as I have absolutely no will power and would have quit after the first day, but he kindly  and gently keeps me in check and I try to do the same for him.  Somehow with our recent road travels we were able to lose weight every week!  My husband wants us to join the YMCA but I honestly don't know how we can fit it in our schedule, but I suppose it must be done to make real changes and progress.

Lastly, my husband was recently promoted at work and he is super excited about the new job and all the responsibilities it entails.  I am very proud of him and the hard work/sacrifices he makes.   The official start date for his new job is still being determined but should begin early next year.  We aren't sure what that entails for us regarding his work travels but we are actually hoping it decreases some.  Right now, in his current position he travels for work every 4-6 weeks for at least a minimum of one week.

I hope this weekend to get caught up on visiting other blogs and writing a few posts of my own and get back on track with posting 3X a week.  Thanks for reading:)!!!


  1. I have missed you. You are the source of my limited education in this stage of life. I am happy that you were able to visit your parents and help them out.
    I loved the reptile Christmas pictures; too cute.
    Congratulations to your husband on his new job. I have been there with my husband traveling a lot. Now he works at home and it is such a blessings.
    Glad you are back and I look forward to more adventures.
    Blessings and hugs!

  2. Wow! Busy, busy! That is cool that you have such an awesome pet sitter! Sorry to hear about all that was going on with your family, but glad you could be there to help. Congrats to you and your hubby for meeting your goals with Weight Watchers and congrats to your hubby for the promotion! Can't believe you've been managing to homeschool through the move, field trips, and everything else!
