
Monday 2 December 2013

Field trips galore

We have been going on weekly field trips, some I have posted about and others I have not for various reasons.  I thought I would do a recap on some of those places in case it gives you ideas of places to visit while in St Louis:)

We took a tour of a local fire house -- kids have decided they have seen enough fire houses as they are very similar to the ones we saw in the UK:)

We toured the new Civil War Museum in the city.  I learned tons about the role Missouri played in the civil war, things I didn't know but that I will be researching when we get to this point in history with the kids and I am sure we will visit again and I will make sure I do a post on it.

The Magic House is a fun educational center for children.  They have expanded the building since we lived here 5 years ago but the electric ball is still my kids favorite:)

We toured the old Fox theater which is a very impressive theater for the area.  My husband took me to see Phantom of the Opera there many moons ago.  We learned about the history and the architecture of the building. 

We went to the St. Louis Zoo and a truly beautiful fall day
We are enjoying the many field trips we are taking in our area and attempting to meet new friends


  1. What a lot of great places you've visited! I love that picture of the electric ball - great shot! Looks like heaps of fun :-)

  2. Hey, we saw Phantom of the Opera during our honeymoon! Love the electric ball photo! I swear, you guys have the energy of ten energizer bunnies. Just reading about all your field trips makes me tired! I know I have lupus, so am obviously jaded that way, as energy is in short supply for me these days. How do you deal with driving into St. Louis? The stress of driving into Seattle often puts me in a bad mood, before we even get there. Then there is the whole parking issue and paying a bazillion bucks for parking and so forth. Due to my lupus, I can't really take the bus, because I sometimes need to pull over NOW, not at the next bus stop. Last week, we went to the gingerbread village display in Seattle and Sola complained about the long drive, then had to go potty as soon as we weren't near any potties (despite me having asked her a bazillion times about going potty when we were near them), then was hungry, and then was crying because there were no potties nor food right there. I finally left, swearing I'd never go downtown again. It seems like by the time my kids outgrow this stage, they have no interest in museums anymore, as they already have a lot of commitments and activities. I just don't seem to have the right personality to ramp up my kids spirits about places like you do.

  3. I have missed reading your adventures for a few day. As usual I learn more things. I will like learning about Missouri; because I have a daughter who lives there. Also, in the early days of our church there is a lot of history about the Mormon's in Missouri.
    Blessings and hugs!
