
Friday 20 December 2013

Parent and Child special time

My husband and I always try to spend some individual time with the children, it is a great way to connect with them and really hear what they are thinking as there are no distractions from their siblings and no competition to get our attention.  Despite our best efforts to provide this for them every single day our kids still seem compete with each other which I am told is perfectly normal although very frustrating.  Our goal is to make time for these special day at least quarterly although it doesn't happen that often, it is more like twice a year:)  This last time we did this was in May of this year right before we moved back to the states, I took my son to a Diggerland amusement park and my husband took my daughter to a RUSH rock concert, her first one.

This time I spent the day with our daughter while my husband spent the day with our son.

My daughter and I went out to Sunday brunch at a local restaurant where we had time to just talk and connect.  

Next we went to see Hunger games 2, both of us read this book over the Thanksgiving and were looking forward to seeing the movie.  Afterwards we enjoyed comparing the book to the movie and just discussing the book/movie plots.  We are anxiously awaiting the next installment. 

Lastly we went Christmas shopping, here she is deciding on a  gift for her brother which she buys with her own allowance money.  

While my daughter and I were having a great day out, my husband (who still doesn't understand the need to take many, many pictures) spent the day with our son.  They went out to lunch, played glow in the dark miniature golf, went Nascar racing and my husband helped my son shop for a Christmas present for his sister, again spending his own allowance money.

I am told that MarioFan smoked Daddy on the track:) and he can't wait to race against me next time:)
Later that evening we took the kids to see more Christmas lights not far from our house.

We had a great time spending some one on one quality time with the children we always notice how much older and wiser each child is getting after one of these fun days.  I truly hope my children remember these times as much as their father and I will:)


  1. That is a great reminder of how important it is to spend one-on-one time with the kids. I remember your previous parent/child post, but this one seems to have more of an impact. Maybe it's because my 12 year old had a terrible week and therefore, so did I - at least in regards to her. Some one-on-one time would be a good idea for the near future. Thanks for the good idea.

  2. What a lovely way to spend some time together, lucky kids :-)

  3. Wow! I wish someone would take me out for some one-on-one time like that! That looks like the kids had an awesometastic day!

  4. I think it is so wonderful that you do this. We tried to do it with our 6 children and we didn't do to bad; but it was complicated. You two are amazing parents.
    Blessings and hugs!
