
Monday 23 December 2013

Home for the Holidays

I am taking a break from blogging for the next week to spend time with my husband and children and enjoy the holidays.  I am very fortunate that my family is together this holiday season.  There are many service men and women who are not so fortunate to be able to spend time with their families this Christmas.  They are overseas fighting for the safety of Americans or fighting for basic human rights in foreign lands.  Whether you agree or disagree with US policies please say a prayer for these brave men and women and that they will come home safe to their families soon.

I was recently contacted by DropCam who is providing live streaming to military men and women overseas so that they may be a part of their families festivities via video streaming.  Using this service  these men and women will be able to see their children faces while they open Christmas presents or hear the voices of their loved ones.  While they may not be there in person they will be a part of their family holiday celebrations.

Click on the link below and it will take you to some amazing video  links of service men and women.  I dare you not to cry while watching these emotional clips.  While you enjoy your time with your families remember there are so many who are serving that are not able to be home this Christmas.  Hug your families a little closer and  be Thankful for the sacrifices these men and women make for you and your family.


disclaimer:  I did not receive any compensation from the above company.  I simply wish to remember those who serve and those who will not be able to join their families this Christmas.  


  1. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing the videos; that is awesome. Our son in law served in Irag for 18 months. At that time our daugher and her four daughters lived with us. I remember how hard it was to not have him home. They will be remembered in my prayers.
    Blessings and have a wonderous Christmas celebration with your family and friends.
