
Monday 12 August 2013

It has arrived!!!!

Our furniture finally arrived last Wednesday!!!  I can't tell you how happy I was to be checking out of a hotel and into our home even with the wall to wall boxes.  My husband took half the week off to help me unpack the essentials.  He returns to work on Monday and then I am on my own.  His main goals are to get the TV and computers running.  I also need help moving some of the heavier boxes:).

The morning of our furniture arrival the kids found a box turtle strolling across our driveway.  We moved her to a safe area so she would get trampled on by the movers.

The movers arrived 1 hour late and then spent a good hour standing around waiting for the truck that had the tools on it before they could  actually start opening the crates.  Needless to say we were not impressed with the start of the unpacking.  However once the tools arrived the guys did a good job.  They weren't  finished unpacking the truck until almost 10 pm and then spent another hour assembling furniture.  It was nearly 11pm when they finally left:)
I had some items unpacked by the movers before being brought into the house,  1) to check for damage and 2) this way the packers take all the paper and boxes with them when they leave. 

Unfortunately there was damage done:(

Thankfully though, so far it has been minimal but we will still be processing a claim to get a few items fixed.

It is always great (NOT)  to see bags and bags of parts  and while some items were labeled (which made it easier) other items were not so we had to guess which hardware went to what, which is why it took the guys nearly an hour to assemble furniture, ie, dresser, bed frames, desks.

this is how my house looks right now, it is a mess

no room is complete at the minute but hopefully by the end of next week we will have a handle on this mess:)
One nice thing about military moves are you can request the movers to come in the next day to help with additional unpacking.  We had one gentleman come in and he helped me unpack the Kitchen and Dining room.  Then I had him remove all the picture frame boxes so I could examine the pieces to check for damage.  He was only here for about four hours, but in that time we accomplished a lot.  Once again he carted away all the boxes and packing paper which is very helpful.

Now it is up to the family to get the rest sorted.  The kids are older so they have been given the responsibility to unpack their bedrooms and the basement toy room.  They still need guidance as their idea of unpacking is dump the stuff in the middle of the room and call it a day:(.  However they are taking directions with only the occasional grumble:)


  1. So glad everything has arrived!!! :)

  2. I have moved 22 times in 46 years so I know about the pain of moving. Some of the earlier moves were neighborhood changes and we moved ourselves with the help of neighbors or church friends. Those were really tough moves. Although I can't ever fathom a move overseas; I can sympathize with the struggles of moving and getting everything where it needs to be. I had many children helping at times; which in the long run made it somewhat harder. I hope the home we are in is our last move.
    Blessings and hugs to all for you have your work cut out for a few days.
