
Wednesday 14 August 2013


In June, my son turned nine years old and decided that his blog name of Little Man was not cool, because he says "I am not so little anymore, Mom"  I agreed to let him pick a blog moniker over the summer and make the announcement on the blog.  Of course once my daughter heard that she declared that Princess (the blog name I chose for her) was inaccurate as "she isn't a girly girl."

So without further ado here are the new monikers for the kids and pictures to start our new school year!  Remember they picked their names for the blog;)



I finally have a up and running desk top computer so I hope to be back to blogging 3X a week.  I will also be back to visiting blogs:) I have missed seeing what every one is doing:)


  1. Too funny! Glad I'm not the only one starting out the year with new blog names! maybe we should make it an annual tradition! Might make for some confused readers, mind you...

  2. That's great! I love the new names.

  3. Great names!! I have a fourth grader as well this year, they are growing up aren't they!

  4. I would say these are fantastic names; way to go.
    Blessings and hugs for all and I will diffidently be following your new adventures in the US.
