
Wednesday 28 August 2013

City garden -- Sculptures

We joined a local Homeschool group for a tour of the City Gardens in the middle of St. Louis.  This area was originally a dilapidated 2 blocks of old buildings.  It was razed and in its place is a beautiful sculpture garden.
This garden was built in 2009

You can pick up a brochure at the garden to explain the meaning behind the sculptures.  We had a tour with a local volunteer to explain things to the children.  There were many whimsical statues.   We were also told many of the flowers and stone used in the garden are  native to various parts of the state.   Many items in the the garden encourage children to touch and explore 

This wall mural is of 3 women and caged parrots or birds, symbolizing women's confinement to the rules of society.    Yeah, I don't see it either;)  

This sculpture symbolizes the death and rebirth of the area.  Kids loved that they could climb inside it

Kids posing like the rock sculpture

There was also a water fountain in the middle of the gardens.  The tour guide lost all the children and even a few adults at this point, as it was a very hot day.  Thankfully she was patient and sat down with some the Moms and waited until the kids were ready to move on.

A little pond and they encourage young children to get it:)

This area represent Cahokia mounds which we had just visited, you can't tell here but the horse is on top of a hill, like the mounds in Cahokia.   Although the Indians did not have horses during this period.  So not sure of the connection there

Right as we were thinking about leaving a group of musicians set up and began to play so we hung around and listened to some music. 

We had a great time touring the garden.  We were told at night the water fountains change color.  I definitely want to go back and see it at night.


  1. Sounds like you had a great tour guide and the sculpture garden is loads of fun! Imagine, encouraging children to go into the pond instead of posting a sign that stating that the water is not potable, like they do around here!

  2. Great shots!
    We were practically in your backyard this summer! Hannibal, MO and St Lo too. We were there over the 4th of July weekend. Toured the Mus of Westward Expansion and went to the top of the arch. There was an air show there as well which was magnificent. I def recom going to the top even if heights make you squeamish as they do me! i really did NOT enjoy it, but it's something to see! You should call ahead and get tickets reserved; even if it's only the day before. Otherwise, you will wait on the security line to get into the arch forever, and then you'll wait on the line to buy tix to get to the top..... forever. I called one day in advance and res'd 4 spots for a specific time to the top. When we got there, the person in charge told me to jump the line and pick up the tickets. ( As for being at the top, I felt the same way at the top of the Eiffel Tower.That was 17 years ago and my fear has gotten worse. ) Here are a couple of my 'Forever West' posts on our cross country trip ---there are some pics and etc in there on the Arch. and

    While I would like to write a post on each of the spots we visited, I really don't think I'll have time. I may write out one on the Mark Twain show and one on the sites in Hannibal. Alcatraz in San Fan, also.....but I'm not sure when.
    I'd LOVE to see pics if you go to Hannibal and to the arch!! Let me know when you go!!

    I love these shots and all the field trips you guys take!!

    Be well and good luck on the beg of your school yr!

  3. Wow, great photos and a wonderful adventure. I loved it all.
