
Friday 30 August 2013

2 Art museum field trips

So far we have been on two field trips to visit local Museums in the city.  These were with two different  homeschool groups.  I am trying out different ones to see where we will fit in.  Right now I am just signing up for field trips as we decided the whole coop class thing was not right for our family at this time.

First museum we went too, was Kemper Museum which is part of one of the Universities.  The topic was on faces and seeing various paintings and trying to read what the artist was conveying just by the face of the model.  

Next the children were given piece of an puzzle of an picture in the museum and asked to put it together and then we went on a hunt for the art work

Kids found it!  Daniel Boone and the road West.  we got a little bit of history on this man, unfortunately my kids have been in the UK too long and had know idea who he was:(  Something I will be rectifying over the next two years as we work on American History.

The kids were then asked to completed two different masks showing two different emotions/feeling

Firedrake version

MarioFan's version, he didn't put much effort into it:(  Not one of  our better days for this young man

The next field trip we went on was a couple weeks later.  Visiting the St. Louis Art museum.  I must say I was quite impressed with this museum and its collection.

When we first arrived the kids were given an art journal

This time we were looking at different mediums for art, sculpture, paint, shells, wood etc 

Kids were asked to look at an portrait of George Washington, Thankfully they did know who he was;) and to draw it but make it more modern.

When stopping to look at other art Firedrake did a few sketches on her own while listening to the docent

Next the kids went into the art room

They created masks!
We are still getting our bearings with new homeschool groups and while we haven't made any connections outside of these groups, we are hoping that with time we will:)

1 comment:

  1. Did the people in the groups seem like your type of folks? Looks like you had some interesting field trips! Whenever I think of kids and art museums, unpleasant memories form in my mind....
