
Monday 22 July 2013

Week 6 of our move

We have been on the move living out of suitcases for 6 weeks!  This is the longest break the children have had from school since we started home schooling 5 years ago.  For the last two weeks my husband flew back to the UK to do his final check out at work and close out all the rest of our accounts.  While he was back in the UK, I flew back to my parent's house to rejoin my children.  We have had a wonderful time with my parents, who have really loved finding educational and fun activities for us to do. 

We visited Indian Steps Museum and learned about the Susquehannack Indians
We went blue berry picking and princess made a yummy blueberry cheesecake

Kids tried sailing on a local lake

Took a ride on a historic train where we learned about the area and Abraham Lincoln who rode this line while on his way to deliver the Gettysburg address
Went to summer concerts in the park

Took a paddle boat tour on the Susquehanna river and got to talk to the captain

Went swimming at my sister's pool

Went Kayaking for the first time ever

 We have had so much fun visiting with my parents.  My husband returned to the states last Friday and the kids and I have rejoined him in Missouri.  We are still waiting for our household goods to arrive so until then we continue to live out of suitcases in a hotel.  We have been notified that our household goods are in the states but have not been released from US customs, which will take another 7 to 18 days.  Our second car has also arrived but still hasn't been released so we continueto be  a one car family t the moment, which is a bit of a struggle as my husband has returned to work and the kids and I are stuck at the hotel.  

So our lives continue to be in a holding pattern.  I think we will all be relieve when we can finally move into our home and get back to our routines. 



  1. Sounds like you had a lot of fun with your parents! The train is beautiful! Our historic train is all moldy and gross. Hope you get your stuff soon so that you can get back into life!

  2. SO if that's what you do in your time off from school, is school really necessary. It looks like the kids are still learning:)

  3. I loved all of your adventures with your parents. I have been missing your posts. Just keep on enjoying the precious moments what ever they might be with your awesome family.
