
Tuesday 30 July 2013

Our Holding Pattern

We are still here, in case you are wondering...waiting to move into our home!   We were notified this week that our furniture will be delivered next Wednesday, Yippee!!!  We are all more than ready to get back to a normal life.  Honestly, we are all going a bit batty in the hotel and the kids bickering at each other is not helping at all.  On the good news front this week our second car arrived from the UK and we were able to pick it up on Monday so we are no longer a one car family, which means the kids and I can get out of the hotel while my husband is at work:).  Also our air freight arrive last week so I now have some basic items at the house and can now start cooking in our own home.  Eating out is fun until you have to do it every day for every meal for 3 weeks.  I actually looked forward to cooking again, and I am not a fan of cooking.  Also in the air freight were a few school books that I sent ahead.

Since the kids are fighting and getting on each others nerves I have decided to implement a light school day every day.  So far we are on Day 3 of this schedule and fingers crossed it is going well.  Actually I think the kids needed something to do other than playing on their electronics.  Since we are starting school with the kids, my husband and I discussed with the kids what they wanted to learn in the upcoming school year and I am ordering supplies based on some of their requests.   So hopefully those items will begin to come in and we can get started.  I will post our curriculum for the new school year soon:).  My school room is coming along nicely and I can't wait to put our school supplies on the shelves and then show it to you.

I have already contacted one local home school group in our area and have scheduled our first field trip to a local museum this week.  At the end of August I am signed up to participate in a class to better understand the laws of homeschooling in this state.  Slowly but surely I am getting the feel of the land here:)

Princess entered a story into a local contest at my parents house and it was PUBLISHED!!!!  We are all so excited.  Considering she was once my very reluctant writer she has made great leaps in her writing style.  If you want to read it go to this link.  The homeschool community is so fantastic, I put her story up on some of the homeschooling boards I am on and she has 22 positive comments from people we don't even know.  Princess is just glowing from all the comments and it has really motivated her to keep writing.  Now if I could just get Little Man to enjoy writing all will be good.

I will leave you with a few pictures of the fun we had this weekend.
Visited the Children's Botanical Gardens and had fun exploring

Went to the zoo and enjoyed a sea lion show

Found a small herd of deer in our back yard tree line.  The kids could see them from the deck and were so excited.  Can's tell here but this one was a young buck, I think

Took the kids to the Melting Pot, which is one of my favorite restaurants.

Hopefully, next week we will have our house hold goods and we will begin unpacking and living in our own house again.:)  Until then.....


  1. So, if you drove your car in the UK, is the steering wheel on the right or the left? We've done the "living in a hotel" thing with two moves, but never for as long as you have. We were put up in small apartments eventually and had to live there for 6 weeks, while we found a place to live. Even then, it was pretty horrible to be confined to such a small space. That rope bridge in the botanical gardens in really cool! I'll go read Princess' story right now. Congrats to her!!!!

    1. HI Maureen,
      We took our US car over to England:), my husband had no problem driving a US car on the left side of the road, but I was very nervous driving that car so I had a UK car:) Thank you for commenting on Princess's story she read every single message:)

  2. Your daughter's story is fantastic. I love how visual it is and especially the descriptions she used. You are definitely on the right track:)

    1. Hi Julie,
      Thanks for commenting on Princess's story she read every single message and it makes her day:)

  3. So good to hear from you! Loved getting your post. Thank goodness things are going smoothly for you. ( as smooth as possible)

    Congrats to your dd on her publication...that's wonderful!

    Continued good luck....looking fwd to eharing how things are going in your next post.

    Be well and God bless:)

    1. Hi Chris,
      Thanks for your well wishes, once we get a lap top computer I will be back to visiting blogs again soon so hard to do on my little iPad

  4. I am so happy that you can get out and about and to your home instead of just staying in the hotel. I have found that children do not do well for extended stays in a hotel. It does get old real fast having to eat out for an extended amount of time. We had to do the same thing once when we moved from Nevada to Washington. I love that you always find a good adventure to do. I am looking forward to what you come up with in the states.
    Blessings and hugs!
