
Friday 14 June 2013

We are leaving on a Jet Plane, Don't know when we'll be back again

Well, if you are reading this we are on a plane heading to the states and my parents house.  Our rental house is packed up and all our stuff is loaded onto truck and hopefully it is now on a ship coming to the states.  While we look forward to our new adventure we are so sad to be leaving the UK.  We have truly enjoyed our time learning to live like a Europeans.  Lots of people (mostly the Brits) have asked us why we like it over here so much.  I am always amazed when I hear they would leave if they had the chance.  I guess the grass is always greener.  So here are just a few of the reasons we love it here:
Our homeschool group, the many friends we made and the fabulous learning opportunities that came our way!

Visiting and touring Castles both grande and those in disrepair

Visiting the great museums in Europe
Visiting history's famous homes -- Newtons

Visiting Cathedrals and admiring the stain glass

Going into London for the day or weekend to see a show or  go sight seeing

Visiting farms and seeing live births of farm animal every spring

My husband getting to enjoy his hobby and learning about the middle ages as a family

Visiting stately homes

Visiting gardens

Seeing National Heritage sites 
Visiting cemeteries of the Great Wars and honoring those who served and died

traveling far and wide --- we have had many amazing traveling opportunities
Lastly but most importantly we will miss our friends

Good Bye England we hope to be back again really soon:)!!!

For the next several weeks we will be transitioning to our new home.  Blogging will be sporadic at best, but I hope to be able to update you on our activities occasionally, until we get settled.


  1. Hope you settle back in quickly. I've really enjoyed your posts about England. You have seen so many things and it is fascinating seeing someone else's perspective on my country. Looking forward to your posts about the US.

  2. Have a safe trip and I completely understand how sad you must be to be leaving. We are enjoying Germany, but last night my husband reminded me that our time is probably limited to one more year.

  3. We miss you tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
    R M J and A xxxx

  4. Good luck, Godspeed and be safe!!!
    Enjoy the flight and setting up your new home!

    You're writing like a Brit, you know: "grande!"
    Love that.

    Can't wait to see all the neat sites you'll be visiting and writing about stateside.

    Take care

  5. I enjoyed reading about your travels in Europe. Praying for safe travels back to the states.

  6. You are one of my most favorite blogs. I have loved following your adventures and I think you will find plenty of new adventures here in the states.I will look forward to that. You have made me have a stronger desire to visit Europe and especially England, someday. I pray that your transition will go well and hugs to you all for brightening my days. I have learned so much from your homeschooling adventures.
    Blessings and hugs!

  7. I hope your transition is smooth and you settle back into life in USA very soon. xx

  8. Ha! I sang that song as a child when we moved back to CA from NJ! I guess for people in England, a lot of that stuff is just what they grew up with. Like for me, growing up in San Diego, Sea World, The San Diego Zoo, and Disneyland were just "meh... BTDT a bazillion times!". I can only imagine how hard moving must be for you emotionally. For your kids, especially, England is practically all they've known! Anyway, hope your move is going well! Looking forward to "hearing" from you soon.
