
Sunday 23 June 2013

Stateside at last!!

We made it across the ocean and have been spending some lovely time with my parents and refamilarizing ourselves with America, at least the state of Pennslyvania;)!    It has taken me a bit to figure out how to write blog posts on my iPad and download photos but hopefully I have figured it out!

While here at my parents I am keeping the summer schedule very light, for the kids.  They just have two things on their daily schedule, read for a minimum of 60 minutes a day, a book of their choice, and practice  playing the piano.

The local library is having a summer reading program for kids and they allowed us to obtain library cards so the children can participate which I thought was very nice of them, considering we don't live here.  The library is also holding several kids oriented classes a week and we attended one on " making your own time capsule."

My father bought minor league baseball tickets and took my husband and son to a local game.  My Dad was so thrilled that my son thoroughly enjoyed himself and wants to go again.  This was his first ever baseball game, however, thanks to cub scouts he knew some of the rules and understand the gist of the game. I have no pictures as I can't retrieve them from the iPod yet:(.

While the boys were out at the game my Mother and I took my daughter to the local park where they were having a free summer concert.  The local band was excellent and played music ranging from jazz to pop.  My daughter experience her first ever funnel cake, YUM! I am told my son also had one at the ball park;).


Lastly and most excitedly my parents gifted us with their old RV!  My family can't wait to hit the road in it as we explore the United States in the upcoming months/years.  My husband and I have been working on getting it road ready (the RV has been sitting in storage for the last two years) and we are planning a road trip to St Louis.  Our children will be remaining with my parents  as we will be working on getting our home ready for move in.  We have had renters living it in for the past four years and it needs some work done.  My parents and the kids can't wait to have us leave, my parents so they can spoil the kids and my kids can't wait to be spoiled without Mom ruining their fun:)!  

Transitioning back to the states is going well for three of us.  Princess is having a much harder time as she misses her best friend and we have already had one outburst of "I am running away and going back to England."  My husband and I are trying hard to be patient with her mood swings and angry outbursts but they are proving to be very challenging.  Right now my daughter is talking to her friend twice a week via the phone.  Her mood always improves afterwards for a few hours!

Thank you for stopping by and I hope to be back to visiting your blogs soon we have limited computer time.


  1. Congrats on your big move!!
    So happy you are here safely but sad that Princess is not doing well right now. Poor girl.
    The RV looks amazing! we tent camp and have toyed with getting an RV, but it seems we will be sticking with our tenting for now.
    Enjoy getting settled!

    Thx for sharing

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's difficulties adjusting. Transitioning can be so hard.

  3. I am so happy to hear that you are safe and busy getting reacquainted with the States. What I love most is that you are still having fun adventures. Have fun on your road trip and getting ready to settle back in to your home.
    Blessings and hugs!

  4. Glad you made it here safe and sound! Sorry to hear about Princess. She is at an age where BFF's matter a LOT, so I can imagine things must be stressful for all of you. How does she call England w/o running up a humongous bill (or maybe I'm totally out of it in regards to international calling)???? That's fun that you and your hubby will get to spend some time alone, even if it is just to repair the house.!

  5. I'm glad to read you arrived safely! Leaving friends behind is so hard, but it can work out. My dd is still close with her best friend who went back to the USA 3 years ago. They have made it work - skype is good.
    The RV looks great, that's really exciting - you are going to have so much fun in it :-)

  6. HUZZAH! AHHH So glad you arrived safe! I am so excited for you guys and the RV! Cant wait to hear about all your state side adventures now!
