
Monday 3 June 2013

Look who is 9 years old!!!

Tomorrow is Little Man's Birthday.  He is turning 9 years old.  Normally we would be taken him on his Birthday trip (he usually plans a trip to an amusement park) but this year we are expecting the moving trucks to arrive today.   We arrived in England when Little Man was 4 and a half years old and and he has spent more time in the UK than in the United States.

Little Man and how he looked just before we arrived in England around age 4 and a half
He loves exploring and climbing, that hasn't changed at all in the last 5 years.  If it is there he will climb it:)!!!

Little Man is still not crazy about cold weather!

Loves challenging himself with things that go fast or high!  

Has the same motto as his Daddy "Why stand when you can sit, why sit when you can lie down and relax'"

Loves the water

Has become an expert traveler

Is pretty brave at trying new foods when we are traveling

Happy Birthday my precious Little Man.  We love you tons!!!!


  1. Happy birthday!
    Hope the move goes well.

  2. Happy Birthday fella!
    Looking forward to seeing a lot fo you this week!
    all of us xx

  3. Happy birthday!!
    Good luck, as well, with the packing!

  4. Oh I bet he hardly remembers the states. My son was six when we moved here and doesn't remember much.

  5. Happy Birthday to your little man. Even if you can't go somewhere; I suspect he will have an awesome adventure of some kind. Good luck on that move and I will love following this adventure.
    Blessings and hugs!
