
Wednesday 5 June 2013

Art--Glass Class

We have been attending a monthly Glass Art class with our home schooling group.  Last month the kids learn to work with fret glass (which is tiny pieces of glass) in addition to copper and other metals to make a picture.
Little Man working on his pattern 

Princess hard at work

 Some of the pieces before firing

The pieces after firing

This month the kids learn how to paint on glass.  I took an more advance class on this several months ago at a local cathedral.

Kids being instructed in the art of painting on glass

Little Man practicing

Princess working on her creation

Little Man working on his creation
 After firing the pieces look like this:

Princess's pieces

Little Man's pieces

My pieces

In this class we only used brown for the outline no other color was used as the class only had time for one firing.  I think  when we return to the states I may get some glass paints and have the children color in their work if they like.  We had a great day painting and are quite pleased with our results:)


  1. It all looks so cool, but you glass pieces are beyond awesome! I'll be curious to see if you find as many homeschooling activities to do in the states as you have in England. Maybe it's just where I live, but the support groups are so spread out now. If you aren't in a co-op or a PS/HS program, there just isn't that much going on. There certainly aren't many regular classes organized outside of co-ops anymore. Though our drama program is a homeschool class. Still, all of the museums used to have homeschool classes and the Boys and Girls club and so forth... I miss those days.... Right now, we just do all normal, "after school" classes (except for drama, of course). Quite frankly, I do kind of like my days to be uninterrupted anyway, going out only in the afternoons and evenings (though we're actually only home three days/week).

  2. Wow, I really love the pieces. What a fun activity and I think a great thing to learn how to do. You are going to have some very accomplished children. I am looking forward to your adventures in the States.
