
Friday 8 February 2013

Rock wall climbing

We join our local home schooling group at the local sports center for rock wall climbing.  While I have taken the kids to the one on base this one is much bigger and challenging for the children.
Princess had no difficulty going up the wall with a harness on

Little Man also did well

Princess learning belaying

Allowing another child to be the belaying while Princess climbed the wall

Learning to free kids just don't have the upper body strength for this...but they kept trying
While the site was definitely nicer than the one on base it was very expensive and we won't go back as I didn't think the kids got anything more out of this facility then the one we go to which is free.  But it was a nice day out to met up with other kids.


  1. How fun!
    We've never tried it!
    (BTW, do you live
    anywhere near London? My older son is heavy into "Sherlock"and my younger son wants to move to London! The show's a bit too violent anad graphic though....I only allowed my son to watch 2-3 episodes and then I nixed it.....too adult. (He's almost 13....too young)
    Have a great day!
    X Chris

    1. Hi Chris we are about an hour from London by car or train. We try to go in to London every other month or so. I haven't seen the new tv show on Sherlock but we lve his books and the movies with RDJ:-)

  2. My kids have all been afraid of rock climbing. They get about half way up and freeze. What is the difference between free climbing and regular climbing?

    1. Free climbing it climbing without harnesses nd completely relying on upper and lower body strength.

    2. i typed the above on my ipad hence the missing letters and incomplete word

  3. What a great opportunity! Looks like both your children did great!
    Here from the Hop.
